Tag Manager

Tag Manager

CataList allows all individuals in an account to manage the tags created for the account. For instructions on how to use them in your account’s catalogues or orders, see Use tags on CataList.

Manage full tag list


Manage your account’s tags by going to the Tag Manager tab in the Settings.

In the Tag Manager, you can:

  • Create new tags

  • Search for existing tags in the account

  • Edit tags

  • Delete tags

Create a new tag


To create a new tag, click Create a new tag and enter information about the tag. You can apply the tag to your account’s catalogues immediately after creating it.

If you’re a buyer (a librarian, retailer, or wholesaler), you can also apply tags to your account’s open orders.

Search for existing tags



Use the search box and sorting options to find existing tags that you or others in your account have already created.

You can choose to see your favourite tags first so that the tags most relevant to your work are easy to find and edit.

Edit tag details


Click an existing tag to edit its name, colour, or mark it as your personal favourite.

  • Tag name – When you rename a tag, everyone in your CataList account can see the updated name wherever the tag is used.

  • Favourite – You can mark any tag as a favourite for your individual account to make finding those tags easier.

  • Colour – When changing the colour of a tag, everyone in the CataList account can see the updated colour wherever the tag is used.

Tip: Bulk-edit tags by selecting more than one tag from the list. When editing tags in bulk, you can update the tag’s favourite status or colour.

Delete a tag


Anyone in the account can delete tags for the account.

To delete a tag, select it from the list, click Delete, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Once a tag is deleted, it's removed from every catalogue and order where it had been assigned. Before deleting any tags, use the table in the delete confirmation screen to see which tags are being used by others in your account.

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