Create and share notes

Create and share notes

BNC CataList has integrated Notes features to help streamline communications with your contacts. Enter notes for your own reference or share notes with other CataList users.

Adding a note

We've made notes easy to add in CataList. The notes box allows you to scroll around the page, access content tabs, copy and paste text from page content, and set a left or right pinned position for the open box.


To add a note

  1. Click Add Note.

  2. Type in or copy and paste your text. You can mark note text in bold or italics using the following markdown:

    • To mark text as bold, enclose the text between two asterisks (for example, *This text will be bold*)

    • To mark text as italic, enclose the text between two underscores (for example, _This text will be italic_)

  3. To add a link, paste the URL into your note text and the link will automatically be actively linked when the note is in view mode.

  4. Click Save. The note is saved for your own reference only.

Click on a note to view or edit it. You can enter multiple private or shared notes, edit notes or change the share status on a note at any time.

If you have your notes content in an Excel file, or can export them from another system to Excel - you can also  upload a notes file into CataList. Uploaded notes can be kept private or can be shared.

Sharing notes

You can share your notes with your contacts who have CataList accounts.

To share a note

  1. Enter your note as outlined in the steps for adding a note, or click on an existing private note to open it for sharing options.

  2. Once your content is entered or opened, click Share at the bottom right of the note box.

  3. In the contact look-up, search for contacts in the CataList Directory, or your own contacts and distribution lists. Add as many recipients as you like to the note.

  4. Click Share to share the note.

If you are not able to find the contact you are looking for, you can find more information about finding, creating, and using Contact Lists here: Contacts and Distribution Lists.

Decided not to share the note after all? Click Cancel to return to the note entry screen where you can save the note as a private note or delete it. If you've already saved or shared a note, don't worry! You can edit content, edit sharing details, or delete a note at any time.

Tagging notes recipients automatically in custom catalogues

When you are working in custom catalogues and are sharing to specific recipients, you'll now see a new option you can select to suggest recipients on new shared notes. By default this option is not selected – you'll need to check the box if you want your catalogue recipients to be filled in automatically when you share a note.

You can still view, add and edit private notes while working in your custom catalogues, but if you choose to share a note, click the share button at the bottom of the note and your catalogue recipients will automatically be populated into the recipients list for the note. You can remove one or more of the note recipients before sharing the note if needed on particular notes, but to continuing sharing to all catalogue recipients simply click share again.

If you add more recipients to the catalogue after adding shared notes, the new recipients are not added to existing notes but will be suggested on any future shared notes while working in that catalogue.

Similarly, removing recipients from a custom catalogue will not remove the recipients from existing shared notes, but the removed recipients will not be suggested as recipients on future shared notes.

Uploading a notes file

Finding the notes

My Page

Notes will always be visible on the Title Detail page, but you can also find recent notes in the Alerts section of your My Page. There, you will see a simple count of any new notes. To see a full list of all notes and their details, click View History to go to your Notes History page. 

Notes History

The Notes History page is a sortable table of notes that you've left for yourself, shared with others, or notes have been shared with you. From this table, you can click on the title ISBN to view more information and all notes for the title on the Title Detail page.

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