What's New in BNC CataList?

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In this release, we’re bringing more of SalesData into CataList! When available, sales numbers and inventory data (on hand and on order) display on title detail pages. Retailers with multiple stores or access to peer groups can now choose which data set to view for the current title and its comparables.

The SalesData integration is available only to CataList accounts that participate in SalesData. If you want to learn more about submitting sales, running reports, seeing which books are bestsellers, and harnessing your sales data in other ways, visit our website.

View on-hand and on-order data

A retailer view of the in-line SalsData report.


If you are logged into CataList and your account has SalesData access, you can view the in-line SalesData report at the bottom of any title detail page. Simply scroll down to the heading “Sales History and Comparable Titles” to explore the new “Current Title” table.

Available information

The “Current Title” table displays a variety of sales and inventory information, including

  • ISBN: the ISBN of the current book whose title details page you are viewing

  • Title: the title of the book associated with the ISBN

  • Date of First Sale: the date on which the first copies of the book were sold

  • On Hand: the number of units on hand

  • On Order: the number of units on order

  • First 8 wks: the number of units sold in the 8 weeks after the date of first sale

  • First 13 wks: the number of units sold in the 13 weeks after the date of first sale

  • Lifetime: the number of units sold across the lifetime of that ISBN

Improved market selection

Screenshot of the market selection dropdown list
The market dropdown list.

Publishers have always had access to select an additional market to view in the CataList in-line SalesData reports.

With this improvement, retailers and librarians with access to more than one SalesData market are no longer locked into seeing one specified market. Users in these accounts can now choose to view sales and inventory information for their individual store locations, or for any peer groups to which they belong.

Use the Market dropdown list at the top right of this section to see the market options you have access to, and select a market. The Select a Market dropdown button will not display if your store does not have any additional view options to select.

Data for the selected market will display in the table to the left of the all market data.

You only need to set the market dropdown once—your selection will apply to both the “Current Title” and “Comparable Titles” tables, and it will be remembered for next time you log in. Your preference will be saved until you select a different market.

Accessible products search

This release also contains an update to the Accessible products checkbox in our Advanced Search form. Selecting this checkbox will now ensure that only digital products will be returned in your search results, making accessible products and their accessibility metadata more apparent.


Latest features added on April 18, 2024.

Check this space often to find out more about the changes and new features added to BNC CataList.