Add comparable titles
Sales representatives have the option to add their own comparable titles directly on title detail pages. This page explains to sales reps how to add and remove comparable titles to a title and how to mark one as the primary comparable title.
Adding rep comparable titles
Rep-added comps are identified in the table with the rep symbol, and users can identify the rep by hovering over the symbol.
To add a comparable title
Click the Add comparable title button located below the comp title table and add your ISBN. Repeat the process to add more comparable titles to the table.
If you have access to SalesData, the in-line SalesData figures will automatically be returned for newly-added items.
To delete a comparable title
Click the red X in the far left column of the table.
Starring a comparable title
You can indicate which title is the primary comp suggestion from the list. The starred comp is available to be viewed by all CataList account users and will be prioritized into the Comp 1 ISBN and Comp 1 title columns for any users who have selected those columns in their grid view and export settings.
Any user in your account for your own titles can star a comp title. The star is applied at the title level (not a the rep-per-title level) - if you have multiple reps you may want to internally manage which staff should be setting the starred comps for your titles.
To star a title in the comp titles list
Click the empty star icon next to the title you want to mark.
To remove a star on a comparable title
Click the star icon to change the status to deselected, or select the star on a different comp to change the starred comp to the new selection. The old selection will automatically be deselected.