Create and edit your publisher page

Create and edit your publisher page

The Publisher Page tab in Company Settings allows Account Managers or Catalogue Editors to add or edit the information that appears on the publicly accessible Publisher Page. Adding imprints or client publishers to the account on the Publisher page will make it possible to build catalogues under any of those entities. At least one seasonal catalogue must be published before the Publisher page becomes visible to users outside the company account.

In the Publisher Page tab in Company Settings you can add or edit the following pieces of information.

Publisher Information


Upload the company logo using the browse function to select a file from your system. Maximum size is 300px in any direction, with a 500KB file size limit.

In the Publisher Name text box, enter your company name the way you want it displayed on CataList. Click the Edit Entry button to save your changes.

You must have a publisher name associated with your account. Publisher names can be edited, but not removed. See below to add imprints or client publishers to your account.

Imprints and client publishers

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Adding imprints or client publishers to the Publisher page allows you to build catalogues linked directly to those entities. Titles in catalogues will be linked directly to the imprint that is assigned to them during the catalogue creation process.

Add an imprint

  1. Click Add an Imprint.

  2. Upload a logo for your imprint using the browse function.

    • Note: The maximum size is 300px in any direction, with a 500KB file size limit.

  3. Enter the name of the imprint or client publisher.

  4. Click OK to add the imprint to your publisher page and your imprint list for catalogue creation.

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Edit an imprint

  1. Click the Edit button in the table row for the the imprint you want to edit. The data in the row will become editable.

  2. Make your changes and click Update.

Imprints cannot be deleted, but they can be made inactive. To deactivate an imprint, clear the checkbox in the Status column and click Update to save your changes. Inactive imprints will not display on the Publisher page and are no longer an option in the Create Seasonal Catalogue drop-down menu, however existing catalogues for that imprint will continue to be available.


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Add a website

You can add up to five websites in the Websites section.

  1. Click Add a Website.

  2. Enter or paste the website address into the Website box.

  3. Enter the display text you want displayed in the Label box. This is the text that will be shown on your Publisher page.

  4. Click OK to add this website to your Publisher page.


Edit a website

  1. Click Edit in the table row for the the website you want to edit. The data in the row will become editable.

  2. Make your changes and click OK to save your changes.

To delete a link, click Remove in the table row for the the link you want to delete.

Test all links on your Publisher page after making an addition or an edit.

Social Media

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Add a Follow button

Gather followers for your social media initiatives and help CataList users find you on the internet.  Add links to your social media profiles, and we’ll automatically add the follow buttons to your publisher page.

  1. Click Add a Follow Button.

  2. Select a button to add from the dropdown list.

  3. Complete the link to your profile on the corresponding social media channel and click OK.  

  4. Repeat this process to add other follow buttons to your page.



Edit a Follow button

  1. Click Edit in the table row for the the button you want to edit. The profile column in the row will become editable.

  2. Make your changes and click OK to save your changes.

To delete a Follow button, click Remove in the table row for the the button you want to delete.

Test all Follow buttons on your Publisher page after making an addition or an edit.


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Add a contact

Contacts are displayed to logged-in users of the system only. Contacts is an optional section. If you choose not to add any contacts, the contacts section will not display on your Publisher page.

  1. Click Add a Contact.

  2. Enter the contact details in the boxes as prompted. Phone extension is an optional field.

  3. Click OK to add this contact to your Publisher page.

Email addresses are not displayed on the Publisher page, but clicking on a contact name will open an email to that contact in the user's email client.

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Edit a contact

  1. Click Edit in the table row for the the contact you want to edit. The data in the row will become editable.

  2. Make your changes and click OK to save your changes,

To delete a contact, click Remove in the table row for the the contact you want to delete.



Add an address

You can add up to three company addresses.

  1. Click Add an Address.

  2. Enter an identifying header for each address if needed, such as "West Coast office" or "Warehouse".

  3. Enter the address details in the boxes as prompted.

  4. Click OK to add the address to the publisher page.


Edit an address

  1. Click Edit in the table row for the the address you want to edit. The data in the row will become editable.

  2. Make your changes and click OK to save your changes.

To delete an address, click Remove in the table row for the the address you want to delete.


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