My Page
My Page is your personalized CataList page. It contains links to catalogues relevant to your individual account, as well as several actions and additional information specific to you, such as alerts on recent drop-ins and notifications on any new notes or title data changes you've signed up to receive.
The major page elements are the same for all accounts, but the content of each element is customized based on your account type – for example, publisher, retailer, or library.
Alerts & Updates
Click on any image to view larger size.
Alerts appear in the first tab at the top of My Page. If there are any new drop-ins, notes or metadata changes since you last viewed or cleared the alerts, you will see a red notification icon on the section header.
Click the Alerts & Updates tab to view details of new alerts.
Click View History for any alert types to see the most recent activity.
Click the red X button to the right of the View History button to clear the current alert flags.
Click Manage Alerts to customize the alerts you receive on the site and by email.
Managing your alerts
Track the updates that are important to you by signing up for notifications by data type – you can choose to be notified about price changes, publication date changes, or title changes on forthcoming titles. You can also sign up to get a weekly email summary of all the weekly changes and drop-ins.
The Manage Alerts button takes you to your personal settings page, where you can choose which notifications you want to receive and where you can also choose whether you want to opt-in to the directory so that reps can easily tag you on notes or custom catalogues in the system.