Export Catalogues to PDF

Export Catalogues to PDF

CataList allows you to create, download, and print PDF versions of entire catalogues or specific titles at the touch of a button. You can export to one of three preset layouts, or users in signed-in trade accounts can set up and save custom PDF export formats. Watch our recorded webinar, or see the step-by-step instructions below!


(Video length: 39 min)


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Export a catalogue to PDF format


Everyone has access to three default PDF options:

  • Single – Export a version that gives each title a full page

  • List – Export a list with titles in rows

  • Tile – Export a more compact version with titles in columns and rows

To export a default PDF template, click the icon of the version you'd like to export. Your PDF is created by the site and downloads automatically when complete.


Create a custom PDF template

Signed-in users to verified trade-type accounts can create their own custom PDF templates using the Create Template button. Users can customize the page content in the PDF export, and save the template for future catalogue exports.

To create a custom template

  1. In a catalogue’s PDF options, click Create Template. The system displays a template creation prompt.

  2. Enter a name for your new template, and choose one of the default versions as a base to start from. (See more details in the next three items about the options available in each version: Single, List or Tile.)

  3. Click Create to begin setting up your template.

  4. On the PDF preview page, click Customize to select the data elements you want to include in your custom set-up.

  5. Click Save to save your template.

Once saved, your template is ready for use.

Review the following information for a detailed explanation of each of the base templates.

Single version

When you choose the Single version, each title in your catalogue will be allotted an entire page. 

As you make your selections, you may want to get an idea of how much space your data will take up on the exported page, and whether you are at risk of losing any content. Note that the one-page space allotment in this version has a hard limit – content will not carry over to additional pages.

  • Click Customize to choose what data you’d like to include in your template.

  • Click Preview to