CataList Quick Start Guide for Libraries

CataList Quick Start Guide for Libraries

Welcome to BNC CataList. This Quick Start Guide will tell you how to get set up and use the system’s key features. Before you can get started with CataList, contact us at catalist@booknetcanada.ca to set up a free library account. If you have further questions after reading this guide, you can consult the full CataList Help Manual.

Log in to your account

Click any image to view a larger size.

When you receive your welcome email from the CataList system, use the link provided to set up your password. If you already have a SalesData account, you will be using the same email and password combination to access CataList.

Go to bnccatalist.ca and log in with your user name and password.

Find and view catalogues

Find seasonal catalogues


Publishers create seasonal catalogues that all users can view on CataList. There are several ways to find and view these catalogues from the CataList home page:

  1. Visit Publishers' pages to find publisher-specific catalogues. 

  2. Search for catalogue names directly using the Quick Search bar in the global navigation bar. Select Catalogues from the drop-down list.

  3. Browse for recent catalogues in the Newest Catalogues carouse.

  4. Click View all latest catalogues to view all catalogues by year and publisher.

Find your own custom catalogues


Anyone can create custom catalogues in CataList, and send those catalogues to other users. To view catalogues you have created, click the My Page link in the main navigation bar, then go to the Custom Catalogues tab.

To find a specific catalogue, you can:

  • filter the list to show only private or collaborative catalogues,

  • filter the list to show only catalogues with a certain tag, or

  • enter the name of the catalogue, its creator, or a tag in the search box.

To view custom catalogue that other users have sent to you, go to the Received Catalogues tab.

Find and view titles

Finding specific titles

By default, the Quick Search box is set to look for matches for your search terms across title, subtitle, contributor, series, subjects, publisher, imprint and keywords. The search returns matches, showing the newest titles first. You can change the sort order of the titles, set a number of titles to display per page, and when you are logged in, you can export the title list to Excel or add the list of titles to a catalogue.

You can refine your result by applying a variety of optional filters:

  • Publishing Status — CataList now returns all titles in the system, but you can limit with this filter to only forthcoming or available titles.

  • Publication Date — Click on the start or end date to limit results to only titles that publish within a specific date range.

  • Audience — Easily limit to Juvenile, Young Adult or General trade with one click.

  • Subject — Limit by BISAC subjects. You can select multiple subjects, and drill down through subject levels.

  • Price Range — Use the sliders to adjust the top and bottom limits for Canadian retail price to your search results.

  • Contributor Location — Contributor location allows you to limit your search results to only books with Canadian contributors. Publishers are increasingly providing Contributor region codes and location details - where we have this data you can filter down further by province!

  • Geographical Region — Where publishers have provided BISAC regional codes or Thema geographical qualifiers, you can use theses region filters to narrow the results set by topic or setting location of the books

  • Format — Filter your results by Product Form.

  • Language — Limit results by language of the text.

  • Catalogued by — Applies filters based on the company who posted the title into catalogues. If you have Favourites set, you can select 'My Favourites' as an option.

  • Canadian Distributor — Filter by the distributor who will fulfil the order in the Canadian market.

  • Content Available — Limit to result matches where excerpts, reading group guides, teacher's guides or other supplementary content is provided.

For more search parameters, you can use the advanced search.

Find title information

The title detail page is the most comprehensive view of a title’s bibliographic data on CataList. The bibliographic data is provided by publishers through BiblioShare. Learn more about how ONIX codes map into CataList.

  1. Click the publisher logo to go to their publisher page.

  2. Navigate to the Thumbnail, Scroll, or Grid views of the full catalogue.

  3. Enter text to find matches in the current catalogue. Click the desired match to go view its title detail page.

  4. Create a PDF of the page or email a link.

  5. Click to view the book cover, samples, and other supplemental content that were supplied by the publisher.

  6. Canadian contributors are marked with a maple leaf for easy identification. 

  7. Bibliographic data details for the title. Any award nominations would display in the middle section as well. Click on the series or contributor name to start a site-wide search using that name.

  8. View stock availability details. When provided, it is available for titles with a publication date that is in the next 60 days.

  9. Add this title to a custom catalogue or request a reading copy.

  10. Click through the tabs to read more detailed text information for the title.

  11. View other formats of the same work.

  12. View sales rights details.

  13. View supply details, including carton quantities.

  14. View this title’s supply details for territories outside of Canada.

  15. View other catalogues that include this title.

  16. View the list of comparable titles and click on any linked ISBNs to get more details on that item. SalesData subscribers have access to additional sales information in the table.

  17. Retail and library users may add private comps for their personal reference. Publishers and sales agents may add public comps that are visible to all users.

  18. SalesData subscribers can run a report to see the sales history of the title and its comps.

  19. Click on any title or cover to see more information on related titles.

  20. Jot down notes for your own reference, share your notes with others, or view notes shared with you.

  21. If you are using the order functionality, click to start or select an order. Once opened, your current order details will be displayed in this location.

  22. Enter or edit order quantities, when working in an active order. Suggested order quantities display if you’re browsing a custom catalogue shared with you.

  23. Navigate page-by-page or jump to a specific title in the catalogue.

Set your personal account preferences



All users in the account can set their personal account preferences. To get the most out of CataList, set up your account preferences.

  1. After logging in, click on the gear icon in the top-right menu bar, and select Personal Settings.

  2. In the Personal Settings tab, select your change notification and email preferences. Learn more about change notifications.

  3. Opt-in to the CataList Directory to allow other CataList users to share notes and catalogues with you directly. (Note: CataList only ever shares your name and library affiliation. Your email address and other contact information are never shared.)

  4. Click Save to save your preferences.

Set up your account 

If you are the primary contact for your account, you have additional set-up options. From your Settings page, select the Administration tab. If you do not see this option and need to access the set-up controls, contact us at catalist@booknetcanada.ca to upgrade your access to Account Manager.

Upload a company logo

Upload a logo image for your company. We will attach this logo to any custom catalogues your account users create.  

Add or edit ordering locations

Each account by default has a single location set up.

  • Click Add a Branch to add more locations to your account. Each branch will be given its own order box in CataList.

  • Click the Edit icon to edit any branch listing.

Manage your account users

Account managers can add new users, edit each account user’s access to CataList, and their access levels.

  • Click Add a User to set up new users in your account.

  • Click Edit to edit the user’s CataList access or their access level. For more information about user types, read about access levels in the CataList Help Manual.

Manage order quantities

Libraries are able to create, edit, export, and submit orders on CataList.


Create a new order

In the catalogue toolbar, click Order Products and choose Start a New Order to begin a new order.

Add quantities to an order

On every Title Detail page, there is an Orders box to the right of the bibliographic data. Click on the box to reveal order boxes for your active locations.

Enter or edit order quantities in those boxes. These will be saved automatically as you work.



View orders

Click My Orders in the main navigation bar to view all your orders.

On the My Orders page, you can take several quick actions:

  • Filter the list to display only your own orders or all company orders

  • Filter the list to display only orders with certain tags

  • Type a search term in the search box to find a specific order

  • Hide closed orders from the list

  • Export the order in Excel, CSV or MARC format

  • Click an order name to view that order’s details



Edit order details

To view the details of an order, click on its name in the My Orders list.

On the order detail page, you can do the following:

  • Add or edit order quantities for titles by individual locations

  • Add new ISBNs directly to the order

  • Add or edit order details such as purchase order number or promotion codes

  • Assign tags to the order

  • Export your order in Excel, CSV or MARC format and submit them to your vendors.

Completed orders can be closed or submitted to a rep on CataList.

More resources

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