CataList Quick Start Guide for Retailers

CataList Quick Start Guide for Retailers

Welcome to BNC CataList. This Quick Start Guide will tell you how to get set up and use the system’s key features. Before you can get started with CataList, contact us at catalist@booknetcanada.ca to set up a retailer account. If you have further questions after reading this guide, you can consult the full CataList Help Manual.


Watch our Quick Start Guide video for a detailed walk-through.

Log in to your account

Click any image to view at full size.

Set your personal account preferences



Set up your store details

If you are the primary contact for your account, you have additional set-up options. In your Settings, go to the Administration tab. If you do not see this option and need to access the set-up controls, contact us at catalist@booknetcanada.ca to upgrade your access.

Add or edit ordering locations



Each account by default has a single store set up.

  • Click Add a Store to add more stores to your account. Each store will be given its own order box in CataList.

  • Click the Edit icon to edit any store listing.

Manage your account users



Find and view catalogues

Finding catalogues

Find specific catalogues by entering the catalogue name in the main navigation bar and selecting the Catalogues option from the search type drop-down.

You can also refine your catalogue results by several catalogue aspects:

  • Catalogue type — filter to only seasonal or only custom catalogues

  • Catalogued by — filter on the company that posted the catalogue(s). If you have Favourites set, you can select 'My Favourites' as an option.

  • Status — include or exclude catalogues based on their draft, published, trade-only, or archived status

Finding your own catalogues


Search for a list of ISBNs

  1. Select the ISBN List option from the search type drop-down in the main navigation bar. A pop-up opens where you can enter up to 1000 ISBNs.

  2. Click Submit to run your search.

CataList returns the matching items in the system. By default, book matches are presented in the same sequence as your original list. ISBNs with no match in CataList will not display.

Find and view titles

Find specific titles


Find title information

Manage order quantities

Libraries are able to create, edit, export, and submit orders on CataList.



More resources

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