ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0 Mapping into BNC CataList

ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0 Mapping into BNC CataList

Wondering which ONIX fields BNC CataList will be using to populate catalogues?

The sections below provide details on all the ONIX fields CataList can automatically pull in through the BNC BiblioShare data aggregation service. Refer to this guide to check if you are providing the key fields CataList will be looking for, as well as to identify any additional data points you may want to start providing on forthcoming titles.

BNC CataList also allows you to enter a limited amount of basic information for your titles manually into the CataList system. These fields are indicated in the Editable in CataList column. It’s also important to know that any data added or edited manually and locked in CataList means the data you enter will not be updated automatically from BiblioShare.

In addition to your ONIX data, BiblioShare can also store image files for your book covers and interior images.

Not yet supplying data to BNC BiblioShare? Find out more and get signed up by contacting biblioshare@booknetcanada.ca.

ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0 support

Many publishers and distributors in Canada are still primarily using ONIX 2.1 to supply data to trade partners including BookNet Canada’s BiblioShare and CataList services. For companies who have begun sending the most up-to-date standard ONIX 3.0 data to BiblioShare, the CataList team will be assessing data quality and will begin contacting accounts to arrange the transition of those accounts over to ONIX 3.0 data in late 2022 and into 2024.


ONIX 2.1 data sources. Click on image to see full size.

Detailed ONIX Mapping to BNC CataList

Bibliographic Basics

CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details




PR.14.1 Audience code


List 28, all codes

Deprecated in ONIX 3.0




PR.14.2 Audience code type
PR.14.4 Audience code value

List 29
Code: 01

P.13.2 Audience code type

List 29
Code: 01 (ONIX)


Audience range


PR.14.7 Audience range qualifier

List 30
Codes: 11, 16, 17, 26

P.13.5 Audience range qualifier

List 30
Codes: 11, 16, 17, 26

Grade (Can)


PR.14.8 Audience range precision (1)
PR.14.9 Audience range value (1)
PR.14.10 Audience range precision (2)
PR.14.11 Audience range value (2)

List 31, all codes

List 77, all codes

P.13.6 Audience range precision (1)
P.13.7 Audience range value (1)
P.13.8 Audience range precision (2)
P.13.9 Audience range value (2)

List 31, all codes

List 77, all codes

from 4 - 7



PR.14.13 Complexity scheme identifier
PR.14.14 Complexity code

List 32
Codes: 05, 06, 07, 09, 10

P.13.11 Complexity scheme identifier
P.13.12 Complexity code

List 32
Codes: 05, 06, 07, 09, 10

Lexile measure: 760L

Country of Manufacture




P.3.15 Country of manufacture

List 91, all codes




PR.10.1 Edition type code

List 21, all codes

P.9.1 Edition type code

List 21, all codes

Large print edition


PR.10.2 Edition number


P.9.2 Edition number




PR.10.3 Edition version number


P.9.3 Edition version number


Edition: 3, Version: 2


PR.10.4 Edition statement


P.9.4 Edition statement


3rd edition, revised with an introduction and notes



PR.19.5 Imprint or brand name


P.19.1 Imprint identifier type
P.19.3 Identifier value
P.19.4 Imprint or brand name

List 44
Code: 16 (ISNI)

North Winds Press



PR.2.7 Product identifier type code
PR.2.9 Identifier value

List 5
Codes: 02, 03, 15

P.2.1 Product identifier type code
P.2.3 Identifier value

List 5
Codes: 03, 15




PR.11.3 Language role
PR.11.4 Language code

List 22
Codes: 01, 02

P.10.1 Language role
P.10.2 Language code

List 22
Codes: 01, 02

Translated from: German

Publication date


PR.20.5 Publication date


P.20.3 Publishing date role code
P.20.5 Date

List 163

  • 01 (Publication date)

  • 02 (Sales embargo date)

Nov 1, 2022



PR.19.11 Publisher name


P.19.1 Publisher identifier type
P.19.3 Identifier value
P.19.4 Publisher name

List 44
Code: 16 (ISNI)

Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Publishing status


PR.20.1 Publishing status

List 64, all codes

P.20.1 Publishing status



Sales rights


PR.21.1 Sales rights type code
PR.21.2 Rights country
PR.21.3 Rights territory

List 46, all codes
List 49, all codes

P.21.1 Sales rights type code
P.21.2 Countries included
P.21.3 Regions included
P.21.4 Countries excluded
P.21.5f Sales restriction note


For sale with exclusive rights in: CA, GB
Not for sale in: US



PR.5.6 TitleOfSeries

OR uses title PR.7 group embedded in the <Series> composite:
PR.7.11 Title
PR.7.12 Title prefix
PR.7.13 Title text without prefix
PR.7.14 Subtitle


P.5.1 Collection type code
P.5.6 Title type code
P.5.7 Title element level
P.5.9 Year of annual
P.5.10 Title text
P.5.11 Title prefix
P.5.12 Title text without prefix
P.5.13 Subtitle
P.5.13a Collection title statement

List 148
Code: 10

List 15
Code: 01

List 149, all codes

The CBC Massey Lectures




P.5.3 Collection identifier type code
P.5.5 Identifier value

List 13
Code: 01



PR.5.7 Number within series


P.5.5a Collection sequence type
P.5.5c Collection sequence number

List 197, all codes

The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix 5

Subject and Main subject


PR.13.5 Main subject scheme identifier
PR.13.7 Subject code
PR.13.9 Subject scheme identifier
PR.13.12 Subject code

List 27
01 - Dewey
10 - BISAC
11 - BISAC regional
20 - Keywords
93-99 - Thema

P.12.1 Main subject flag
P.12.2 Subject scheme identifier
P.12.5 Subject code

List 27
01 - Dewey
10 - BISAC
11 - BISAC regional
20 - Keywords
93-99 - Thema

BISAC: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Activity Books / General

Thema: Children’s interactive and activity books and kits

Region: Nunavut

Keywords: Canada, geography, culture, language, Canadian flag, Indigenous, diversity, pride, education, hockey


PR.13.1 BISAC main subject category

BISAC, all codes

Deprecated in ONIX 3.0





PR.7.11 Title
PR.7.12 Title prefix
PR.7.13 Title text without prefix

List 15
Code: 01

P.6.1 Title type code
P.6.5 Title text
P.6.6 Title prefix
P.6.7 Title without prefix

The BookNet Canada Guide to ONIX

When the title is parsed (e.g., Title prefix = ”The”, and Title without prefix = “BookNet Canada Guide to ONIX”) the system will drop the prefix when sorting.



PR.7.14 Subtitle


P.6.8 Subtitle

A Step-By-Step Guide for Publishers


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


Contributor sequence


PR.8.1 Contributor sequence number


P.7.1 Contributor sequence number



Contributor role


PR.8.2 Contributor role

List 17, all codes

P.7.2 Contributor role

List 17, all codes


Contributor name(s)


PR.8.5 Person name
PR.8.6 Person name, inverted
PR.8.7 Person name part 1: titles before names
PR.8.8 Person name part 2: names before key name
PR.8.9 Person name part 3: prefix to key name
PR.8.10 Person name part 4: key name(s)
PR.8.11 Person name part 5: names after key names
PR.8.12 Person name part 6: suffix after key names
PR.8.13 Qualifications and Honors After Names
PR.8.14 Titles After Names


P.7.9 Person name
P.7.10 Person name, inverted
P.7.11 Person name part 1: titles before names
P.7.12 Person name part 2: names before key names
P.7.13 Person name part 3: prefix to key names
P.7.14 Person name part 4: key name(s)
P.7.15 Person name part 5: names after key names
P.7.15 Person name part 5: names after key names
P.7.17 Person name part 7: qualifications and honors after names
P.7.18 Person name part 8: titles after names

By (author): Juliana Negreiros PhD, RPsych 

Canadian contributor


PR.8.33 Country code

List 91
Code: CA

P.7.48 Contributor place relator
P.7.49 Country code

List 151
Code: 08

List 91
Code: CA

 appears after contributor name

Contributor location




P.7.48 Contributor place relator
P.7.49 Country code
P.7.50 Region code
P.7.50a Location name

List 151
Codes: 04, 07

List 91
Code: CA

List 49
Codes: CA-**


Corporate contributor


PR.8.26 Corporate contributor name


P.7.19 Corporate contributor name

By (author): The Institute for Cultural Affairs 

Name identifier




P.7.6 Name identifier type
P.7.8 Identifier value

List 44
Code: 16 (ISNI)




PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.4 Other text format
PR.15.5 Other text


PR.8.27 Biographical note


List 33
Code: 13

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.2 Text audience
P.14.3 Text


P.7.42 Biographical note

List 153
Code: 12

TOMSON HIGHWAY is a Cree author, playwright, and musician. His memoir, Permanent Astonishment, won the 2021 Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction. He also wrote the plays The Rez Sisters and Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, and the bestselling novel Kiss of the Fur Queen. He is a member of the Barren Lands First Nation and lives in Gatineau, Quebec.


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


Accessibility features


PR.3.3 Product form feature type
PR.3.4 Product form feature value
PR.3.5 Product form feature description

List 79
Code: 09

List 196, all codes

P.3.4 Product form feature type
P.3.5 Product form feature value
P.3.6 Product form feature description

List 79
Code: 09

List 196, all codes

Table of contents navigation
WCAG 2.0 AA Compliant

Contained items


PR.3.9 Number of homogeneous pieces
PR.3.14 Product identifier type code
PR.3.17 Contained item product form code
PR.3.25 Contained item number of pieces

List 7, all codes

P.4.2 Product identifier type code
P.4.4 Identifier value
P.4.5 Product form code (product part)
P.4.13 Number of copies (product part)

List 150, all codes

Contains: 2 pieces

Contains: 1 CD-Audio, 9781234567891



PR.12.1 Approximate number of pages
PR.12.4 Extent type code
PR.12.6 Extent unit

List 23, all codes

List 24, all codes

P.11.1 Extent type code
P.11.2 Extent value
P.11.4 Extent unit

List 23, all codes

List 24, all codes

442 pages

Duration: 2.5 Hours

Product form


PR.3.1 Product form code

List 7, all codes

P.3.2 Product form code

List 150, all codes


Form detail


PR.3.2 Product Form Detail

List 78, all codes

P.3.3 Product form detail

List 175, all codes

Tall Rack



PR.12.7 Number of illustrations
PR.12.8 Illustrations note


P.11.6 Number of illustrations
P.11.7 Illustrations and other contents note


25 Illustrations


PR.12.9 Illustration or other content type code
PR.12.10 Illustration description
PR.12.11 Number of illustrations

List 25, all codes

P.11.8 Illustration or other content type code
P.11.9 Illustration or other content type description
P.11.10 Number of illustrations or other content items

List 25, all codes

20 Line drawings, black and white



PR.22.1 Measure type code
PR.22.2 Measurement
PR.22.3 Measure unit code

List 48
Codes: 01, 02, 03, 08

List 50, all codes

P.3.12 Measure type code
P.3.13 Measurement
P.3.14 Measure unit code

List 48
Codes: 01, 02, 03, 08

List 50, all codes.

30.48 x 20.32 x 1.9 cm | 725 gr

Note: Metric measures are prioritized for display.

Recycled content


PR.3.3 Product form feature type
PR.3.4 Product form feature value

List 79
Codes: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

P.3.4 Product form feature type
P.3.5 Product form feature value

List 79
Codes: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

AB-COC-123456 75% recycled content


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details




PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.5 Other text

List 33
Code: 09

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 10




PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.5 Other text

List 33
Code: 01

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.2 Text audience
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 03

List 154
Code: 00



Display of this element, coming soon!


PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.5 Other text

List 33
Code: 19

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 11

New in Paperback

Initial print run


PR.26.3 Initial Print Run


P.25.19 Initial print run


Initial print run: 20,000

Key selling points


PR.15.3 Other text type code

List 33
Code: 25

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.2 Text audience
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 03

List 154
Code: 02


Marketing & promotions


PR.26.1 Promotion campaign information
PR.26.2 Promotion contact details


P.25.17 Promotion campaign information


BookNet Canada will be touring Canada between August 1, 2010 and October 15, 2010.

Also available


PR.23.7 Relation code
PR.23.10 Product identifier type code
PR.23.12 Identifier value
PR.23.16 Product form code

List 51
Codes: 07,12, 22, 30

List 5
Codes: 02, 03,15

List 7, all codes

P.23.1 Product relation code
P.23.2 Product identifier type code
P.23.4 Identifier value
P.23.5 Related product form code

List 51
Codes: 07,12, 22, 30

List 5
Codes: 03,15

List 150, all codes


Other format


PR.23.7 Relation code
PR.23.10 Product identifier type code
PR.23.12 Identifier value
PR.23.16 Product form code

List 51
Codes: 05, 06, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 29

List 5
Codes: 02, 03,15

List 7, all codes

P.23.1 Product relation code
P.23.2 Product identifier type code
P.23.4 Identifier value
P.23.5 Related product form code

List 51
Codes: 05, 06, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 29

List 5
Codes: 03,15

List 150, all codes


Previous edition


PR.23.7 Relation code
PR.23.10 Product identifier type code
PR.23.12 Identifier value
PR.23.16 Product form code

List 51
Codes: 03

List 5
Codes: 02, 03,15

List 7, all codes

P.23.1 Product relation code
P.23.2 Product identifier type code
P.23.4 Identifier value
P.23.5 Related product form code

List 51
Codes: 03

List 5
Codes: 03,15

List 150, all codes


Comparable title


PR.23.7 Relation code
PR.23.10 Product identifier type code
PR.23.12 Identifier value
PR.23.16 Product form code

List 51
Codes: 18, 23

List 5
Codes: 02, 03,15

List 7, all codes

P.23.1 Product relation code
P.23.2 Product identifier type code
P.23.4 Identifier value
P.23.5 Related product form code

List 51
Codes: 18, 23

List 5
Codes: 03,15

List 150, all codes


Prizes and awards


PR.17.2 Prize or award name
PR.17.3 Prize or award year
PR.17.4 Prize or award country
PR.17.5 Prize or award achievement code

List 41, all codes

P.17.1 Prize or award name
P.17.2 Prize or award year
P.17.3 Prize or award country
P.17.4a Prize statement

List 41, all codes

Charles Taylor Prize 2011, Winner



PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.5 Other text
PR.15.8 Author of other text
PR.15.9 Corporate source of other text

List 33
Code: 30

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 09




PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.5 Other text
PR.15.8 Author of other text
PR.15.9 Corporate source of other text

List 33
Codes: 05, 06, 07, 08

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 06


Table of contents

PDF or EPUB TOCs are also accepted directly in BiblioShare


PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.5 Other text

List 33
Code: 04

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 04



PDF or EPUB excerpts are also accepted directly in BiblioShare


PR.15.3 Other text type code
PR.15.5 Other text

List 33
Code: 23

P.14.1 Text type code
P.14.3 Text

List 153
Code: 14


Supply Detail

CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


CataList Field

Editable in CataList

ONIX 2.1 Reference

ONIX 2.1 Code List Details

ONIX 3.0 Reference

ONIX 3.0 Code List Details


Supply-to statements


PR.24.14 Supply-to country
PR.24.15 Supply-to territory
PR.24.17 Supply-to country excluded

List 91
Code: CA

List 49
Codes: CA-**

P.24.1 Countries included
P.24.2 Regions included

List 91
Code: CA

List 49
Codes: CA-**



Display of this element, coming soon!




P.25.1 Agent role
P.25.5 Agent name

List 69, all codes


Supplier details


PR.24.13 Supplier role

List 93, all codes

P.26.1 Supplier role
P.26.2 Supplier identifier type code
P.26.4 Identifier value

List 93, all codes

List 92
Codes: 07, 16



PR.24.6 Supplier name


P.26.5 Supplier name


Distributor: LitDistCo





P.26.42 Unpriced item type


$22.99 CAD



List 58
Code: 01

P.26.43 Price type code

List 58
Code: 01



List 59
Codes: 05, 10, 14, 15, 16

P.26.44 Price type qualifier

List 59
Codes: 05, 10, 14, 15, 16



List 100
Code: 02

P.26.54 Discount code type code
P.26.56 Discount code value

List 100
Code: 02


PR.24.63  Price amount
PR.24.64  Currency code

List 96

P.26.62 Price amount
P.26.71 Currency code

List 96

Returns code




P.26.14 Returns code type
P.26.16 Returns conditions code

List 53
Code: 02

List 66, all codes


Supplier availability


PR.24.22 Product availability

List 65, all codes

P.26.17 Product availability

List 65, all codes

Availability: Available

Note: The full set of codes is mapped for display to a set of simplified codes:
Mapping Product Availability into CataList

On sale date


PR.24.35 On sale date


N/A - To provide an embargo date, provide this in Publishing date role



Ship date


PR.24.34 Expected availability date


P.26.18 Supply date role code
P.26.20 Date

List 166
Code: 08

Expected ship date: Aug 12, 2010

Stock quantity


This information is not sourced from ONIX, but from position files submitted to BiblioShare. To begin submitting positions files, contact biblioshare@booknetcanada.ca.

Pack quantity


PR.24.44 Pack or carton quantity


P.26.41 Pack or carton quantity


Pack Quantity: 24

Images & Media

Cover images and interior images can come from BiblioShare, but we've included the option to add some supplemental content manually in CataList. Currently, you can manually add directly in CataList:

  • cover image

  • interior images

  • video embed code

You can also add samples, excerpts, and reading group or teacher's guides through BiblioShare. Information on how to provide those files to BiblioShare is located in our documentation, Supplying Supplemental Content.

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