Use tags on CataList

Use tags on CataList

A tag is a label that you can add to any of your account’s catalogues or orders, and then use to filter or search for those lists in a number of areas on CataList. See Common uses for tags for examples of how you can use the tag feature in your account.

Permissions for tags

Tags are only visible to people in your account, and everyone in your account can use or edit those tags.

Edit the tags for a catalogue or order

Click on any image to view at full size.


Add a tag

If you’re adding a tag through My Page or My Orders, click the plus sign in the Tags column to get started. Otherwise, locate the Tags section in the creation or editing workflow that you’re using.

Continue with these steps:

  1. Use the tag search box to find and select the tag that you want to use.

  2. If your tag doesn’t exist, enter the tag name into the box and click the Create a new tag link.

  3. Click Save to create your new tag and add it to your catalogue.


Remove a tag

Anyone in your account who has access to edit a catalogue or order can remove the tags assigned to it.

  • When viewing the list of tags assigned to a catalogue or order, click the X in a tag to remove it, then click Save to save your changes.

If you wish to permanently delete a tag from the account, go to the Tag Manager section of your Settings.

Tags in orders

Tag functionality in ordering workflows is only available to retail, library, and wholesale accounts.

Once an order is closed or submitted to a sales rep, the tags assigned to it are locked in place. Reopen a closed order to resume editing the assigned tags.


Add tags using other workflows

You can add tags to a catalogue or order in a number of workflows on CataList.

  • All accounts can add tags when creating or editing a custom catalogue.

  • Publisher accounts can add tags when creating or editing a seasonal catalogue.

  • Retailer, library, and wholesaler accounts can add tags when starting or editing an order.

Filter catalogues and orders by tags


Once a tag has been assigned to a catalogue or order, click on it in the Tags column to filter the My Page or My Orders table by that tag.

You can use the tag filter alongside the text search and display options to find the exact lists that you’re looking for.

Manage full tag list


Everyone in your CataList account can access the Tag Manager in the Settings. Use the Tag Manager to create new tags, edit existing ones, or permanently delete tags from the account.


Edit tag details


Delete a tag

Common uses for tags

Here are a few examples of how tags can be used for your account.

With tags, a publisher or sales rep can…

With tags, a book buyer can…

With tags, a book reviewer can…

With tags, a publisher or sales rep can…

With tags, a book buyer can…

With tags, a book reviewer can…

  • click a tag to filter for a specific season’s catalogues (for example, “Spring 2025” or “2025”);

  • internally mark catalogues for certain sales groups or sales channels without mentioning it in the catalogue’s name (for example, “Trade” or “Gift”); or

  • share a more in-depth custom status for each catalogue and filter by them (for example, “Under review”, “Awaiting samples”, “In progress”, “Stage B”, “Done”).

  • mark certain orders as ready for ordering (for example, “approved”);

  • find all account orders that were sent to a specific distributor or wholesaler (for example, “UTP”)

  • filter custom catalogues for lists that include certain formats or bookstore sections (for example, “board books” or “graphic novels”); or

  • view orders or catalogues that include titles eligible for certain book promotions over time (for example, “Frankfurt”, “2023”).

  • indicate which custom catalogues include books that have or haven't been reviewed yet (for example, “reviewed” or “to do”); or

  • filter for catalogues that include titles reviewed for certain publications (for example, “The Globe“ or “Goodreads”).


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