Supplying supplemental content

Supplying supplemental content

This page describes how you can supply supplemental content to BiblioShare so that it can be displayed on CataList. If you wish to share full previews of children’s books, see Supplying children’s full book previews to CataList.

About supplemental content on CataList

Supplemental content (such as interior images, samples, excerpts, table of contents, and reading group guides) can be displayed on CataList title records, making it easy for retailers and libraries to view those samples while browsing through catalogues. The content can be accessed on both title detail pages and the catalogue scroll view.

  • On the title detail page, supplemental content displays beneath the cover:

  • In the scroll view, supplemental content displays in the Content Preview section:

User access and display rules

Some supplemental content is visible to all CataList visitors, while other content is only available to users who have verified industry accounts.

  • Available for all CataList visitors: Reading group guides, teacher guides and tables of contents

  • Available for signed-in users of verified industry accounts: Samples, excerpts, and interior images

Gathering your materials

CataList displays several types of supplemental content. Knowing what type of content you already have on hand and the file formats that are available will help you decide the best way to submit your content to BiblioShare.

Your content should fall under one of these types:

  • Excerpt: a continuous segment from the book 

  • TOC: table of contents

  • Teacher guide: a guide oriented to educational needs

  • Guide: a general guide oriented to book clubs or as a reader's guide

  • Sample: a general sample such as a marketing blad or other sales assets not covered in the list above

  • Images: front cover images, back cover images, interior spreads, and author photos

Once you've determined what category your content falls under, you have to know the format of those files. BiblioShare accepts:

  • Image files with these extensions: JPG, TIF, PNG, and GIF

  • PDF and EPUB files – for sample, excerpt, TOC, and guide content

  • Text and media links included in your ONIX files

Sometimes your file might fall under two different types of content. Perhaps you have interior spreads that could also be considered an excerpt. In such cases, how you supply them to us is determined by the file format and how you want these spreads to be displayed on CataList.

  • Content supplied as image files will display in an image gallery. This presentation is ideal for interior spreads where the visual and design elements are important to show, and text is less relevant. Children's picture books are also well-handled as image files due to the large font sizes for text elements.

  • Content supplied as PDF or EPUB files will display in an embedded reader. Text-heavy content is easiest to resize for easy reading in either of these formats.


Supplying supplemental content to CataList

BiblioShare is where CataList retrieves book metadata and supplemental content. (To sign up for BiblioShare, fill in our sign-up sheet.)

When you are ready to submit your files, you can submit them to BiblioShare for use in CataList using one of three methods:

  • Put the content directly into the Image folder on the BiblioShare FTP

  • Put the content directly into the Sample folder on the BiblioShare FTP

  • Include the content in your ONIX file, which is then put into the ONIX folder on the BiblioShare FTP

More detailed directions for where you should submit your type of content are outlined below.

Do not upload an entire book as a sample or excerpt – any content provided to BiblioShare as marketing material for CataList can be downloaded by system users.

To securely share your full previews of children’s titles with only the book trade on CataList, see Supplying children’s full book previews to CataList.


  • Be clear about the type of content you are providing and do not duplicate the same content across multiple types (for example, don’t put the content in both the Image folder and Sample folder).

  • If you want to include a copyright statement in the display, ensure it is included in your ONIX text or in the files you post. For example, you could watermark pages in the PDF files you load to BiblioShare.

  • When providing PDF sample files, remember that smaller files are faster and easier for viewers to download. Compress your PDF files for the best reader experience.

Watch our webinar about this topic! (Length: 25 min)

What format is your supplemental content?

Expand the section that best describes the format of your supplemental content, and follow the instructions provided.

Supplying image files

Supplying image files

These instructions are suited for you if your supplemental content is an image file (JPG, TIF, PNG, or GIF), and is:

  • Content that contains mostly images, for example:

    • Front/back covers

    • Author photos

    • Interior spreads

Image files are added to the Image folder on the BiblioShare FTP. To sign up for BiblioShare, fill in our sign-up sheet.

Option 1: If you follow BiblioShare’s naming convention, you can put your files directly into the Image folder. You would have to specify the type of image in the file name (with the exception of front covers). For example:

  • Front cover: 9781234567890.jpg

  • Back cover: 9781234567890_back.jpg

  • Interior image: 9781234567890_interior02.jpg

  • Author photo: 9781234567890_author_Margaret_Atwood_01.jpg

Option 2: If you aren’t using the BiblioShare naming convention, add author photos, interior images, and back covers directly into the sub-folders called Author, Interior, or Back (see screenshot). Using this method, front covers are dropped directly into the Image folder as opposed to one of its sub-folders.

For both options, file names must start with a valid ISBN-13 or ISBN-10. For more file name examples, image requirements, and information for BooksonIX clients, see the BiblioShare Quick Start Guide.

Image-heavy content can instead be supplied as a PDF and placed into the Sample folder in the FTP. It depends on how you want the images to be displayed on CataList. If you would rather send us a PDF file with your images, see instructions for supplying PDF or EPUB files.

Note: Uploading the same content into the Image and Sample folders in the FTP will cause it to appear twice on CataList. Please upload your content using one of these methods, not both.

Supplying PDF or EPUB files

Supplying PDF or EPUB files

These instructions are suited for you if your supplemental content is a PDF or EPUB, and is:

  • Content that contains mostly text, for example:

    • Samples

    • Excerpts

    • Table of contents

    • Reading/teacher guides

  • Content that you want users to view using PDF-viewer tools.

PDF or EPUB files are added to the Sample folder on the BiblioShare FTP. To sign up for BiblioShare, fill in our sign-up sheet.

Option 1: If you follow BiblioShare’s naming convention, you can put your files directly into the Sample folder. You would have to specify the type of sample in the file name (with the exception of general samples). For example:

  • Sample: 9781234567890.pdf

  • Excerpt: 9781234567890_excerpt.pdf

  • Table of contents: 9781234567890_toc.pdf

  • Guide: 9781234567890_guide.pdf

  • Teacher guide: 9781234567890_teachersguide.pdf

Option 2: If you aren’t using the BiblioShare naming convention, add the samples directly into the sub-folders called Excerpt, Guide, Sample, TOC, or Teachersguide (see screenshot).

For both options, file names must start with a valid ISBN-13 or ISBN-10. For more file naming rules, see the BiblioShare Quick Start Guide.

PDF and EPUB files can also be included in your ONIX files, which is useful if you want all recipients of your ONIX files to receive your supplemental content, or if you want retailers to use the content on consumer sites. To learn more about this, see instructions for supplying links in your ONIX file.

Supplying text or media links in your ONIX file

Supplying text or media links in your ONIX file

These instructions are suited for you if your supplemental content is:

  • Content that you want all recipients of the ONIX file to receive

  • Content that you want retailers to use on consumer sites

  • Text formatted in HTML

  • A link to a PDF or EPUB file

ONIX files are delivered to the ONIX folder on the BiblioShare FTP. To sign up for BiblioShare, fill in our sign-up sheet.

Not all content types can be supplied to CataList in your ONIX data currently, but CataList will pull in content from the following three Type Code values from the <OtherText> composite in ONIX 2.1 files:

Content Type

<TextTypeCode> Value

Content Type

<TextTypeCode> Value

Table of Contents




Reading Group Guide


ONIX 2.1 doesn't have a Type Code value for teacher guides or general samples – if you want to upload one of these content types, see instructions for supplying PDF and EPUB files.

If you supply content using one or more of these Type Codes, it will automatically be picked up and displayed on CataList.

You may submit your content in <OtherText> fields using text or a media link. An example of a media link provided in ONIX 2.1 is shown below:

<OtherText> <TextTypeCode>41</TextTypeCode> <TextFormat>08</TextFormat> <TextLinkType>01</TextLinkType> <TextLink> http://catalog.publisher.com/images/db/pdf/9780887088888.guide.pdf </TextLink> </OtherText>

In this example:

  • <TextTypeCode> identifies the type of content (codelist 33). Code ‘41’ is Reader Group Guide. 

  • <TextFormat> identifies the content format (codelist 34). Code ‘08’ here indicates it’s a PDF file. (Code ‘14’ would indicate an EPUB file.)

  • <TextLinkType> references codelist 35. Typically used, ‘01’ indicates a URL.

  • <TextLink> is the link to the content.

Some HTML is allowed in <OtherText> elements (see the guidelines for allowed HTML use in ONIX). Text content in ONIX will be converted to PDF by the CataList system. If you prefer to have more control over the layout and display of the content, it is recommended that you provide PDF files with the content laid out as you prefer.

When you're submitting your ONIX files, make sure that they follow BiblioShare’s naming conventions, found in the BiblioShare Quick Start Guide.

Removing or replacing supplemental content on CataList

At this time, users cannot remove or rename supplemental content that is already in BiblioShare. To remove content already in the system, contact the BiblioShare team at biblioshare@booknetcanada.ca with your request. The BiblioShare team will do it for you from the backend.

You can, however, replace – or overwrite – content that you’ve already sent to BiblioShare. To do this, give the new file the same name as the file you want to replace.

Example: You want to replace a general sample that you sent to BiblioShare previously. The sample currently in BiblioShare is named: 9781234567890_sample_1.pdf.

To replace the old sample, name the new sample: 9781234567890_sample_1.pdf

Do not name the new sample: 9781234567890_sample.pdf

The number ‘1' is not included at the end of this file name, which means BiblioShare will automatically process it with a '0' appended to the end, therefore being identified as a second sample for that ISBN. As a result, you will have both the new and old samples appearing on CataList. To replace content, make sure that the new file name is identical to the old file name.

Do not put the new sample in the wrong sub-folder; for example, in the Excerpt sub-folder. If you do this, the old sample will still be available as a sample, and the new sample will be available as an excerpt.

For more examples of what file names are considered identical in BiblioShare’s processing, see the BiblioShare Quick Start Guide.


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