ONIX Mapping into BiblioShare Webform

ONIX Mapping into BiblioShare Webform

This help documentation maps each field used in our BiblioShare Webform to where the data is located in an ONIX 2.1 feed. For further questions regarding Webform to ONIX mapping please contact webform@booknetcanada.ca.
Bibliographic Basics 
BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode(s)ExampleNotes
ISBN 13PR.2.7 Product identifier type codeF0515ISBN-13 
 PR.2.9 Identifier valueD  9781927655023 
Record referencePR.1.1 Record reference numberD  22 
Notification typePR.1.2 Notification or update type codeD01All02- Advance notification (confirmed) 
Work identifierPR.7.15 Work identifier type codeD16All01 - Proprietary 
if proprietary type codePR.7.16 Identifier type nameD    
if standardized type codePR.7.17 Identifier valueD  12345678 
Product formPR.3.1 Product form codeD07AllBA - Book 
Epublication typePR.23.27 Epublication type codeD10All002 - PDF 
Product form detailPR.3.2 Product form detailD78AllB206 - Pop-up book 
BarcodePR.2.10 Barcode indicatorD6All02 - EAN13 
Title prefixPR.7.12 Title prefixD  Thecan only be used it title text without prefix is present
Title without prefixPR.7.13 Title text without prefixD  Canadian Book Market 2013can only be used it title prefix is present
TitlePR.7.8 Title type codeF1501Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource)
 PR.7.11 Title textD  The Canadian Book Market 2013 
SubtitlePR.7.14 SubtitleD  Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration
Title of seriesPR.5.6 Series TitleD  Harry Potter 
Number within seriesPR.5.7 Number within seriesD  Volume 14 
Publisher namePR.19.7 Publishing role codeF450101 - Publisher 
 PR.19.11 Publisher nameD  BookNet Canada 
Language of textPR.11.3 Language roleF220101 - Language of text 
 PR.11.4 Language codeD74Alleng - English 
Publication datePR.20.5 Publication dateD  20130315 
No of pagesPR.12.1 Approximate number of pagesD  442 
Number of piecesPR.3.9 Number of piecesD  3 
Publishing statusPR.20.1 Publishing statusD64All04- Active 
Year first publishedPR.20.13 Year first publishedD  1845 
Edition numberPR.10.2 Edition numberD  3 
 PR.10.5 "No edition" indicatorF  No edition 
City of publicationPR.19.15 City or town of publicationD  Toronto 
Country of publicationPR.19.16 Country of publicationD91AllCA- Canada 
For sale with exclusive rightsPR.21.1 Sales rights type codeF460102 - For sale with exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories
 PR.21.2 Rights countryD91AllCA 
Imprint - Name code typePR.19.2 Name code typeD44AllProprietary 
Imprint - Name code value (when prioprietary code type)PR.19.3 Name code type nameD    
Imprint - Name code valuePR.19.4 Name code valueD    
Imprint - NamePR.19.5 Imprint or brand nameD  Doubleday 



BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode(s)ExampleNotes
each added contributor is numbered in sequencePR.8.1 Contributor sequence numberF  1 
First name (bef. Key)PR.8.8 Person name part 2: names before key nameD  James 
Last name (key)PR.8.10 Person name part 4: key name(s)D  Johnson 
Person namePR.8.5 Person nameD  James J. Johnson 
Person name invertedPR.8.6 Person name, invertedD  Johnson, James J. 
Corporate namePR.8.26 Corporate contributor nameD  BookNet Canada 
Contributor rolePR.8.2 Contributor roleD17AllA01 - By (author) 
Country codePR.8.33 Country codeD91AllCA - Canada 


BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode (s)ExampleNotes
Main descriptionPR.15.3 Other text type codeF330101 - Main description 
 PR.15.4 Other text formatF3400  
 PR.15.5 Other textD    
Table of contentsPR.15.3 Other text type codeF330404 - Table of contents 
 PR.15.4 Other text formatF3400  
 PR.15.5 Other textD    
Back cover copyPR.15.3 Other text type codeF331818 - Back cover copy 
 PR.15.4 Other text formatF340202 - HTML 
 PR.15.5 Other textD    
Biographical notePR.15.3 Other text type codeF331313 - Biographical note 
 PR.15.4 Other text formatF3400  
 PR.15.5 Other textD    
Excerpt from bookPR.15.3 Other text type codeF332323 - Excerpt from book 
 PR.15.4 Other text formatF3400  
 PR.15.5 Other textD    
Review quotePR.15.3 Other text type codeF33808 - Review quote 
 PR.15.4 Other text formatF3400  
 PR.15.5 Other textD    

Supply Detail

BiblioShare Webform Field

ONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode List Code(s) Example Notes
Supplier namePR.24.6 Supplier nameD  BookNet Canada 
Supplier rolePR.24.13 Supplier roleD93All09 - Publisher to end-customers 
Pack quantityPR.24.44 Pack or carton quantityD  24 
On sale datePR.24.35 On sale dateD  20140623 
Expected ship datePR.24.34 Expected availability date (ship date)D  20140623 
Product availability PR.24.22 Product availabilityD65All10 - Not yet available 
Returns code typePR.24.18 Returns conditions code typeD53All02- BISAC returnable Indicator code 
Returns codePR.24.19 Returns conditions codeD66List not provided C - Conditional 


BiblioShare Webform Field

ONIX Reference Display or Functional Code List Code(s) Example Notes
Price typePR.24.49 Price type codeD58All01 - RRP excluding tax 
PricePR.24.63 Price amountD  18.99 
CurrencyPR.24.64 Currency codeD96AllCAD - Canadian Dollar 
Discount typePR.24.58 Discount code type codeD100All01 - BIC discount group code 
Discount codePR.24.60 Discount code valueD  1234567 
Tax codePR.24.66 Tax rate 1,codedD62AllS - Standard rate 
Taxable amountPR.24.68 Amount of price taxable at tax rate 1D  10.64 
Tax amountPR.24.69 Tax amount at tax rate 1D  1.86 
Class of tradePR.24.56 Class of trade USA onlyD  Retail 

Subject & Audience

BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX Reference Display or Functional Code List Code(s) ExampleNotes
BISAC subjectPR.13.5 Main subject scheme identifierF261010 -BISAC subject heading 
 PR.13.7 Subject codeD  BUS016000 
 PR.13.8 Subject heading textD  BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Consumer Behavior 
BISAC RegionPR.13.5 Main subject scheme identifierF261111 - BISAC region code 
 PR.13.7 Subject codeD 
 PR.13.8 Subject heading textD  Canada 
BIC subjectPR.13.5 Main subject scheme identifierF261212 - BIC subject category 
 PR.13.7 Subject codeD  KJSM 
 PR.13.8 Subject heading textD  Market research 
BIC versionPR.13.6 Subject scheme version numberD  21 
Thema subjectPR.13.5 Main subject scheme identifierF269393 - Thema subject category 
 PR.13.7 Subject codeD  KJSM 
 PR.13.8 Subject heading textD  Market research 
Thèmes ÉlectrePR.13.9 Subject scheme identifierF2728Thèmes Électre: 
 PR.13.13 Subject heading textD    
KeywordsPR.13.9 Subject scheme identifierF272020 - Keywords 
 PR.13.13 Subject heading textD  Alzheimers;gluten-free;celiac;celiac disease 
Audience codePR.14.2 Audience code typeF290101 - ONIX audience codes 
 PR.14.4 Audience code valueD28All01 - General trade 
Audience rangePR.14.7 Audience range qualifierD30All01 - US school grade range 
Audience Range - FromPR.14.8 Audience range precisionF310303 - From 
 PR.14.9 Audience range value (1)D  9 
Audience Range - ToPR.14.8 Audience range precisionF310404 - To 
 PR.14.9 Audience range value (1)D  12 

Measure & Extents

BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX Reference Display or Functional Code ListCode(s) ExampleNotes
HeightPR.22.1 Measure type codeF480101 - Height 
 PR.22.2 MeasurementD  10.5 
 PR.22.3 Measure unit codeD50Allcm - Centimeters 
WidthPR.22.1 Measure type codeF480202 - Width 
 PR.22.2 MeasurementD  4.6 
 PR.22.3 Measure unit codeD50Allcm - Centimeters 
ThicknessPR.22.1 Measure type codeF480303 - Thickness 
 PR.22.2 MeasurementD  20 
 PR.22.3 Measure unit codeD50Allmm - Milimeters 
WeightPR.22.1 Measure type codeF480808 - Weight 
 PR.22.2 MeasurementD  0.8 
 PR.22.3 Measure unit codeD50Alllb -Pounds (US) 
DurationPR.12.4 Extent type codeF230909 - Duration 
 PR.12.5 Extent valueD  200 
 PR.12.6 Extent unitD24All03 - Pages 
File SizePR.12.4 Extent type codeF232222 - Filesize 
 PR.12.5 Extent valueD  2.5 
 PR.12.6 Extent unitD24All04 - Hours 


BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode(s)ExampleNotes
TypePR.12.9 Illustration or other content type codeD25All02 - Illustrations, color 
DescriptionPR.12.10 Illustration or other content type description D  Curious george riding a bike 
NumberPR.12.11 Number of illustrationsD  5 


Related Product

BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode(s)ExampleNotes
Relation codePR.23.7 Relation codeD51All06 - Alternative format 
ISBN13/EANPR.23.10 Product identifier type codeF051515 - ISBN-13 
 PR.23.12 Identifier ValueD  9781927655023 
Product formPR.23.16 Product form codeD07AllBA - Book 
Product for detailPR.23.17 Product form detailD78AllB102 - Trade Paperback (US) 
Epublication typePR.23.27 Epublication type codeD10All002 - PDF 


BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode(s)ExampleNotes
Publisher's website ( in <Publisher> composite)PR.19.12 Website purposeD73All01 - Publisher's corporate website 
 PR.19.14 Link to websiteD  http://www.booknetcanada.ca 
Product's website (in <ProductWebsite> composite)PR.16.15 Website purposeD73All02 - Publisher's website for a specific work
 PR.16.17 Link to product websiteD  http://www.salesdata.ca 


BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode(s)ExampleNotes
NamePR.17.2 Prize or award nameD  Booker Prize 
YearPR.17.3 Prize or award yearD  1999 
CountryPR.17.4 Prize or award countryD91AllUS - United States 
CodePR.17.5 Prize or award achievement codeD41AllWinner 
Promotio campaignPR.26.1 Promotion campaign informationD  x amount of TTC ads, x amount of online ads, etc.

Cover Image

BiblioShare Webform FieldONIX ReferenceDisplay or FunctionalCode ListCode(s)ExampleNotes
Cover imageCover images can be uploaded manually or can be imported from BNC BiblioShare. They are expressed in the resulting ONIX file as follows:
 PR.16.4 Image/audio/video file type codeF380404 - Image: front cover 
 PR.16.5 Image/audio/video file format codeF390909 - PNG - Portable Network Graphics bitmapped image format (.png) 
 PR.16.7 Image/audio/video file link typeF400101 - URL 
 PR.16.8 Image/audio/video file linkF  http://webform.biblioshare.org/MediaSpace/9150FEC5-4132-473E-B9F5-61A8F9D793AE/2//BNC_ConsumerStudy_Juv_Covers_final.png
 PR.16.14 Media file dateF  20140709 

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