Request advanced reading copies

Request advanced reading copies

CataList allows professional readers, like librarians, reviewers, and book retailers who are logged into the system to request advance reading copies (ARCs) of books. While CataList hosts the ARC request feature, it is up to the book's publisher to decide whether or not reading copy requests are fulfilled.

What indicates there's an advance copy available? 

Advance reading copies (ARCs) are just that. They're books that will be published in the near (or sometimes very far) future. Though they may not be physically in the market just yet, that doesn't mean the book is completely unavailable. Publishers create ARCs for certain reader groups (such as reviewers, library staff, retailers, etc.) in order to support marketing efforts and build excitement around new books or authors. You'll know if an ARC can be requested when you see the “Request at NetGalley” or “Request an ARC” buttons, which display in several views throughout CataList.

You can request a digital copy by clicking Request at NetGalley, which will take you to NetGalley's galley request service, or you can click Request an ARC, which will open a form that you can submit through CataList directly to the publisher with your request details.

Use CataList’s advanced search features to look for forthcoming titles, or search for titles that have ARCs on NetGalley using the NetGalley search link on the CataList home page.

Request ARCs using NetGalley

NetGalley is an online digital galley provider that connects professional readers (such as library staff, media, bloggers, etc.) with publishers' forthcoming titles for promotional purposes. NetGalley offers free accounts for different types of readers, and after creating your NetGalley account, you too can "read, review, & recommend" all sorts of books (and earn a few badges!). You must fill out the required "bio" and list your favourite genres in order to make requests.

CataList supports a direct link to title request pages on NetGalley when ARCs for the title are available – but the two products are distinctive services and require separate logins. Before you can request ARCs on NetGalley, you need to sign up for a NetGalley account.

To request books at NetGalley through CataList

  • On CataList while viewing a catalogue or a title detail page, click Request at NetGalley. On the NetGalley site, follow the on-screen instructions to complete your request.


More information about NetGalley

All of your requests are stored on your shelf, with their statuses clearly labelled so you can remember which books you've reviewed and given feedback for, and which you still need to follow up on.

Once you are ready to make your query, simply click the "Read Now" button and your request will be sent to the publisher for approval. Like the direct-to-publisher requests made through CataList, all approvals are at the discretion of the publisher.

In some cases, you may see a "Wish for it!" button instead of the usual "Request." This normally means that a publisher is gauging interest or has not made the book available to your account type. By clicking the "Wish for it!" button, you are communicating your interest to the publisher, which never hurts. You will receive an email notification once your request has been answered. 

If you run into any trouble, NetGalley has extensive help documentation available and a technical team ready to assist you.

Request ARCs directly from a publisher

CataList offers users an alternate method to request a reading copy, either digital and/or physical.

  1. Click Request an ARC. A form will open asking for basic details, including your format preference, your role at your organization, and a free text box where you can make a case for why a publisher should send you an advance copy of this title.

  2. If you have requested a physical copy, include a complete mailing address, preferably your professional one. 

  3. Click Send Request and this information will be transmitted directly to the publisher. You will also receive a copy of the request so that you will be able to follow up directly with the publisher at a later date if needed. 

We strongly recommend that you always include your intentions for the book within a professional context, especially if you work within a library system. While loving an author is a wonderful reason for wanting to read their latest novel as soon as possible, if you're not also intending to review, acquire, or evaluate the book, it's not a good enough one to receive a free copy. 

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