What's New in BNC CataList?

What's New in BNC CataList?

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In this release, we’re introducing a new tag system designed to help you better organize the catalogues and orders in your CataList account, and to more easily find them later. We’ve also included some smaller updates to improve the appearance and usability of the site.

Introducing tags

A tag is a descriptive label or keyword that you can attach to your account’s catalogues and, if you’re a book buyer, to your account’s orders. You’ll then be able to use CataList’s search and filtering tools to quickly and easily find catalogues and orders with those tags.

Tags are only visible to people in your account, and everyone in your account can use or edit those tags.

This system replaces our former categories feature, but don’t worry – we’ve converted all of your existing categories into tags.

Thinking about how your team can use tags on CataList? Take a look at these examples for some ideas.

Assign tags to a catalogue or order


You can assign up to ten tags to each of your catalogues or orders. Access this feature from My Page or My Orders by clicking the “add” icon in the Tags column, or look for the Tags section in any creation or editing workflow to which your account has access.



For example, you can:

  • add tags when creating or editing a catalogue; or

  • add tags when creating or editing an order.


To assign a tag to a catalogue or order, type a keyword or short phrase into the search box. Locate the tag you want to use, and click the tag name in the dropdown menu to select it.

If you change your mind, click the X next to the tag name to remove it from the selected catalogue or order. Remember to save your changes!

Create new tags

If no one in your account has created the tag you want to use yet, click the “Create a new tag” option below the search box. Save your changes to complete the creation process and to add the tag to your catalogue or order.

Want to create tags with a bit more customization? You can do so in the new Settings tab called Tag Manager.

Manage your account’s tags

You’ll find a new Tag Manager tab in your CataList company settings. Here you can view all of the tags already in your account, and use search and sorting tools to help you find the tag you need. You can also create, edit, or delete tags for your account.

Edit a tag

To edit an existing tag, click to select it from your account’s tag list. You can correct its spelling or see when it was created or modified, and by whom. If a tag doesn’t show the creator’s name, that tag was once a category and we had converted it into a tag for your account.

Bulk-edit tags

Select multiple tags to make changes in bulk. You can change the colour of one or more tags, or mark them as your personal favourites, making it easier for you to find and use them. You can also can permanently delete tags that you and your team no longer need.

Whether you’re editing one tag or several, keep in mind that once you save your changes, they will take effect for everyone in your CataList account.

New ways to filter catalogues and orders

My Orders search box

We’ve added a new search box on the My Orders page to allow you to search for orders just like you would search for catalogues on My Page. You can search for the name of the order, the name of the person who created it, or for any other information in the table. CataList will display a filtered list containing only the orders that match your search term, cutting down on guesswork and scrolling.

Tag filters

Once you’ve created and assigned tags, you can filter your catalogue or order list on My Page or My Orders to display only the ones you’re looking for. Click on a tag in the Tags column to show catalogues or orders that contain the selected tag. Click additional tags to further narrow your results, or use the search box, until the list meets your needs.

To stop filtering by a tag on My Page or My Orders, click the tag in the Tags column again, or locate the selected filters list above the table and click the X next to the tag you wish to remove. You can remove all tag and text filters at once by clicking the Clear button next to the search box.

Direct access to your settings

Access your company settings with more ease from the main CataList toolbar. Once you have logged in, click your name and select the group of settings you’d like to access. You’ll be taken directly to the appropriate tab.

Other updates in this release

  • For publishers and sales agents, the My Orders table’s default sort order is updated to sort by the last modified date.

  • On the My Orders page, the system will remember the last order table you loaded so that you can resume working in your preferred order table in subsequent sessions.

  • The filter and display options on My Page have been updated so that they are consistent across both seasonal and custom catalogue tabs.

  • The add-to-catalogue tool is updated to include:

    • the collaborative catalogue icon next to any custom catalogues that are collaborative;

    • the ability to use the search box to find custom catalogues by their assigned tags; and

    • a list of all the tags applied to a custom catalogue when you hover over the catalogue’s name.

  • Text styles are updated to improve readability and appearance across devices.


Latest features added on October 16, 2024.

Check this space often to find out more about the changes and new features added to BNC CataList.