2012 CataList releases
2012 CataList releases
November 26, 2012
- Performance improvements in web response time while new catalogues are being built
- Image display and sort order have been tweaked on the Home page
- Sorting by month is now handled properly in the Catalogue List table
- Links have been removed from Also Available titles with no published record in CataList to avoid user redirection to Home page
- Correction to ISBN counts for seasonal catalogues in the General catalogue report
- Duplicate rows removed from Account ISBN report and weekly change notification digest email
November 1, 2012
Feature: New PDF layout - 15 titles per page in a tiled layout
- Feature: Updated Home page layout
- Clicking on links contained inside in the marketing box no longer closes the box
- A maximum height restriction is now being applied to images on the 5-per-page PDF export
- Publisher authority columns have been added to ensure proper display of publisher logos on title detail pages and catalogue links in search results
- Creating a custom catalogue from existing catalogues in a Publisher-type account are now displayed newest to oldest.
- Exporting single pages to PDF now displays the correct publisher or imprint in the header
September 6, 2012
- Articles such as the and an are now handled properly in keyword searches
- Catalogue contents can now be sorted by clicking on column headers in the Organize tab
- Instructional messaging has been added to the Organize tab to inform of new functionality
- Display of Contributor names is now consistent in all grid views (KeyName, NamesBeforeKey)
July 26, 2012
- Feature: Integrated NetGalley request button links
- Feature: Keyword entries in quick search now look for any character string matches (wildcard handling)
- Feature: Handling for accents and special characters in search
- Google analytics tracking reports made available by request
- Messaging was added to the Add User dialogue with links to details about user type and access levels.
- PDF update is now triggered automatically when a new cover image is loaded to the BiblioShare image service (for main cover images and Also Available titles).
- Clicking on the Log Out button now keeps the user on the same page, when access to the page is permitted. If access is not permitted, the system redirects to the home page.
- The Sales Rights box no longer displays if no sales rights data points are provided.
- Updates were made to the display rules and the messaging for the Comparable Titles box.
- Paperback/Softback product form now displays correctly on the Edit Title page.
May 23, 2012
- Market option "Educational" added for seasonal catalogues
- Fix to display of manually loaded cover images for Also Available titles in PDFs
- Fix to import of Supply Detail composite if <ProductAvailability> element is null
- Corporate Contributors added to grid views and export
- Handling for display of Other Format titles not in CataList and if BiblioShare is unavailable
April 20, 2012
- PDF exports will include only the first 2 reviews or endorsements provided in the ONIX file. Note: If several reviews are submitted to ONIX contained in a single <OtherText> composite, that is handled as a single review.
- Extra lines have been removed from the bottom of the page export to minimize blank pages
- Dimensions will now display if only height and width measures are provided; the depth measure is no longer required for dimensions to display
- Awards section is expanded to the full width of the centre panel
- IE 7 fixes for the Edit Title page: Cancel link; highlighting of locked sections; display of existing data in HTML-enabled boxes
- Report table fixed for Firefox
- Export data fixed for the Comp 1 Title field
March 22, 2012
- Feature: Customizable export grids. Select a preset grid format, or choose your own columns and set the column order.
- Feature: Store-level sales added to SalesData reports for retailer accounts
- Feature: Add follow buttons to your Publisher Page
- Feature: Toggle between text and HTML views on Edit Title page
- Performance improvements for viewing large catalogues in thumbnail view
- Notes section automatically opens if a note exists
- Space added between series name and series number
Layout fixes for Company Settings page in IE9
January 21, 2012
- Publisher search box now returns matches for all publishers and imprints
- Added validation and messaging for retailers adding or editing store locations
- Fixes to 2012 catalogue list in IE 7 and IE 8, and default sort order now enforced
Fix for manually added contributor bug
, multiple selections available,
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