Request advanced reading copies
CataList allows professional readers, like librarians, reviewers, and book retailers who are logged into the system to request advance reading copies (ARCs) of books. While CataList hosts the ARC request feature, it is up to the book's publisher to decide whether or not reading copy requests are fulfilled.
What indicates there's an advance copy available?
Advance reading copies (ARCs) are just that. They're books that will be published in the near (or sometimes very far) future. Though they may not be physically in the market just yet, that doesn't mean the book is completely unavailable. Publishers create ARCs for certain reader groups (such as reviewers, library staff, retailers, etc.) in order to support marketing efforts and build excitement around new books or authors. You'll know if an ARC can be requested when you see the “Request at NetGalley” or “Request an ARC” buttons, which display in several views throughout CataList.
You can request a digital copy by clicking Request at NetGalley, which will take you to NetGalley's galley request service, or you can click Request an ARC, which will open a form that you can submit through CataList directly to the publisher with your request details.
Use CataList’s advanced search features to look for forthcoming titles, or search for titles that have ARCs on NetGalley using the NetGalley search link on the CataList home page.