Market Share Report Basics

Market Share Report Basics

For the Market Share Report, there are four options to base the search criteria on. You can see the market share based on publisher, distributor, subject, or format. To select one of these for your report, select the appropriate tab and fill out the criteria in that page. Please note that your search criteria and filtering options will change depending on which tab you’re in.

Top Tip: The Market Share report excludes sales of titles with blank rows or missing bibliographic data in any of these fields: Publisher, Distributor, Format, and Subject.
To ensure an accurate comparison, we must have good quality bibliographic data for titles included in this report.

1. Select the market share 

  • Publisher: With publisher market share you can see how publishers performed over selected subjects or formats, or how they performed over time. Publisher is the default tab when you open the Market Share page. Before running the report you must specify which publishers you would like to see in your report in the provided text box, or you can turn the Top 500 Publishers toggle to Yes. 

  • Distributor: With distributor market share you can see how distributors performed over selected subjects or formats, or how they performed over time. Before running the report, you must specify which distributors you would like to see in your report in the provided text box, or you can turn the Top 500 Distributors toggle to Yes.

  • Subject: With subject market share you can see how subjects performed over time. You have two options here. Your first option is to check off Top 500 subjects, which will return a full list of the top 500 subjects based on the rest of the criteria selected. Your second option is to select up to 10 specific subjects to run the report with by clicking on the Add/Edit Subjects box and checking off which subjects you would like to see. If you use this tab, the box asking "How do you want to compare these" will not appear.

  • Format: With format market share you can see how formats performed over time. Once you have selected Format as the market you would like to view from the tab at the top of the Market Share page, click on the Add/Edit Formats box and choose which binding formats you would like to see in your report. If you use this tab, the box asking "How do you want to compare these" will not appear.

2. Decide how to compare the data

  • Subject: By default, all six top-level subjects are already selected. To change this, or to select a specific subject category, click on the Add/Edit Subjects button to open a menu showing the different subject categories. Selecting a top-level category will not automatically select its children. The subjects here are independent of each other. Selecting "Fiction" will only return a single column for Fiction that shows the total sales for that entire category.

  • Format: If you select formats simply click Add/Edit Subjects to drill down and choose the specific binding formats you want to see. Selecting a top-level category will not automatically select its children. The formats here are independent of each other. Selecting "Hardcover" will only return a single column for Hardcover that shows the total sales for that entire category.

  • Over Time: Allows you to modify the reporting period by Snapshot, Consecutive Weeks/Months/Quarters, or Year Over Year.

    • Snapshot: Gives you a report with preset columns showing the selected week, previous week, year to date, last year to date, last year, and 2 years previous. You are given the option here to choose the week ending date for that data.

    • Consecutive Weeks/Months/Quarters: Allows you to choose reporting intervals to appear in the columns, either weeks, months, or quarters. You may choose the ending date, and the number of weeks/months/quarters to display.

      • Quarters are calculated based on the calendar year as follows:

        • Q1 = January to March

        • Q2 = April to June

        • Q3 = July to September

        • Q4 = October to December

    • Year over year: Allows you to see the same reporting interval over the past ten years. Each year's data is displayed in a separate column. Here you can choose to see data from the same month, quarter, year-to-date, or year over the last ten years. You will be given an option to specify which month, quarter, or year to examine.

3. Rank results with Units Sold, Value Sold (List), or ISBN Count

You can choose to rank the results by Units Sold, Value Sold (List), or ISBN Count by simply clicking one of these options. All values will appear in the results but the table will be ranked only according to your choice.

Please note that if you are running a Publisher or Distributor market share report, and are comparing by subjects or formats, you will not be able to select ISBN Count with a Lifetime Reporting period.

4. Apply Filters

The Filter by section allows you to limit your results further. By applying these filters you can limit your results to titles with Canadian contributors, to titles with specific subject categories or formats, or titles associated with a particular publisher or distributor. All filters are optional and can be applied in any combination you see fit. However, the available filter options will change depending on the type of Market Share report you are pulling. See below:

  • Canadian titles: Available across all market share report types

  • Subject: Available when pulling a Publisher or Distributor market share report and comparing by formats or over time

  • Format: Available when pulling a Publisher or Distributor market share report and comparing by subjects or over time

  • Publisher: Available when pulling a Subject or Format market share report

  • Distributor: Available when pulling a Subject or Format market share report

5. Run Report

Once you have selected the criteria you wish to see you can run your report, or download/email it. 

Find more information on downloading, emailing, saving, and distributing your reports here.

Tutorial Video

Watch our video tutorial to learn how to build a Market Share Report:


Learn more about Market Share Report results here.

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