Integrated SalesData Reporting

Integrated SalesData Reporting

CataList is closely integrated with BookNet Canada’s SalesData service. SalesData participants and subscribers enjoy additional features and benefits, such as discounts on ISBN listing spaces, sales information for titles in CataList, and shortcuts to view title reports in SalesData. Find out more about providing point-of-sale data into SalesData or subscribing to the service on the BookNet Canada website

In-line SalesData report



Accounts with access to SalesData can review on CataList the in-line SalesData report to see how well a title is performing. Data for on hand, on order, lifetime sales, and more, are available on every title detail page.

When viewing a catalogue’s scrolling view or a title detail page, retailers and publishers can also use the in-line SalesData report to see the sales information for a title’s comparable products.

Learn more.

CataList SalesData report


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