Bestseller Report: Columns

Bestseller Report: Columns

Each of the columns in the Bestseller Report gives you specific information about the title in that row. The following list defines each column as it appears from left to right in the table. All bibliographic information is drawn from the title's bibliographic record supplied by publishers and distributors to R.R. Bowker Books In Print.

  • My Titles: The presence of a black bookmark icon in the first column indicates that this title belongs to your firm.
  • Overall Rank: The overall relative position your title has in all titles aggregated for that market. A green arrow indicates the book's ranking has increased since the last comparable time period. A red arrow indicates the book's ranking has decreased since the last comparable time period. If no arrow appears, there has been no change in rank.
  • Prev. Rank: The position held by this title in the previous week. This column only displays in reports using a one-week time period.
  • Title: The title of the book.
  • Subtitle: If available, the subtitle of book.
  • Contributors: The primary creator of the title. In most cases, this will be the author of the book. BNC SalesData may also list such contributors as: Illustrator, Editor or Translator. A ( ») symbol following the contributor name indicates that more contributors exist. Click the title's ISBN to be taken to the Single ISBN Report, where all contributors can be viewed. Clicking a name in the contributor field will create a Bestseller Report containing only titles attributed to that contributor.
  • CDN: A maple leaf symbol in this field indicates a Canadian contributor. Publishers and distributors identify Canadian authorship in the ONIX record for a work. 
  • ISBN: 13-digit ISBN as per bibliographic record. Clicking the ISBN number link will take you to a Single ISBN Report for that item.
  • Series: If the title is part of a series, the series title is given here if available.
  • Series Vol. Number: If the title is part of a series, the title's number in the series sequence is given here if available.
  • Publisher: The publisher of the title.
  • Imprint: The publisher imprint of the title.
  • Distributor: The distributor of the title.
  • Primary Format: The format for this edition. 
  • Secondary Format: Another format code for this edition. 
  • Pub Date: The release date of this title. The date is listed in YYYY/MM/DD format.
  • Current List Price: The title's current list price. 
  • Original List Price: The title's original list price. 
  • ASP: The average actual selling price of the title, determined by averaging all data from contributing booksellers' POS (including retailer-level discounts).
  • Units Sold: The number of copies of this title sold during the time period of the report.
  • Units Sold Prev: The number of copies of this title sold during the most recent comparable time period.
  • % Change: The percent change between the time period being reported on and the most recent time period of same length. A green arrow indicates the change is positive. A red arrow indicates the change is negative.
  • Value Sold ASP: (Units Sold) x (ASP).
  • Value Sold List: (Units Sold) x (List Price).
  • On Hand: Number of units on hand in all stores reporting for this time period. This field is visible only to publishers in the All Market view. Retailers may see their own OH.
  • Prev. OH: Number of units on hand in all stores reporting for this time period. This number represents OH for the most recent week, or OH for the last week of a multi-week reporting period. This field is visible only to publishers.
  • On Order: Number of units on order in all stores reporting for this time period. This field is visible only to publishers.
  • Weeks With Sales: The number of weeks that sales have been reported (only counts the weeks that have a sale).
  • Stores Reporting: The number of stores reporting Units Sold, OH, or OO data for this title for this time period.
  • Lifetime Units: The total number of copies of this title sold during all weeks reported in BNC SalesData.
  • Lifetime Sales (List): (Lifetime Units) x (List Price). 
  • Subject: The title's primary subject.
  • BISAC Subject Code: The title's BISAC subject code.
  • Lower Age: If available, the lower age of the book's intended audience
  • Upper Age: If available, the upper age of the book's intended audience
  • Audience: The intended reader of the book. 
  • Dewey Number: The title's Dewey Number, if available.
  • First Sale Date: The date that any retailer who reports to SalesData first reported a sale.
  • Weeks Since First Sale: The number of weeks since the first sale (counts the weeks since the first sale).
  • First OH: The date that any retailer who reports to SalesData first reported an on hand number.

  • Weeks Since First OH: The number of weeks since the first on hand (counts the weeks since the first on hand).

  • Languages: The title's language.

For special columns, or more information on "% Sell Through" and "Stock Turn" columns, visit the Market Specific Column page.

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