LibraryData and SalesData Research Portal

LibraryData and SalesData Research Portal

As a LibraryData subscriber, you have access to a comprehensive repository of exclusive subscriber-only research, including studies on popular literary awards, consumer research, and archives of the monthly reports that are posted on the LibraryData home page.

To access the Research Portal, follow these steps:

  1. Visit booknetcanada.ca/research-reports-for-sda-subscribers.
  2. Enter the research password, which can be found on the LibraryData or SalesData home page on the right sidebar. (This is not your personal password. It is a shared password used exclusively to access subscriber-only research. As it's updated every few months, you must log in to LibraryData to find the latest password.)
  3. Select any report to read or download to your device. Please note that these reports are confidential and intended for use by LibraryData and SalesData subscribers only.
  4. If you have any questions about the research available on this page, please email research@booknetcanada.ca.

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