What's Involved in Being a Contributing Library

What's Involved in Being a Contributing Library

LibraryData's library panel is made up of large and small public libraries from across the country who report their library's collection holdings and circulation on a weekly basis. So what's involved in contributing to the panel? All reporting libraries must be able to meet the following requirements in order to contribute data:

  • An ILS is required. LibraryData can currently accept reporting from libraries running Polaris, Horizon, Symphony, Evergreen, and Koha ILS. Don't see your ILS on the list here? Contact us and we'll see what we can do!
  • Data must be submitted using an approved format. Libraries report their data in two weekly CSV files - a BranchData file and a LendingData file. 
    • The BranchData file contains: the library system code, the library branch code, the branch name, branch type, postal code, address, and user count for each library branch in the reporting library system or consortium.
    • The LendingData file contains: branch code, catalog ID, ISBN(s), loans, renewals, holds, copies owned, copies checked out, and copies on order for each item in the library's collection. 
  • Weekly circulation and holdings data must be reported every week by Monday. LibraryData can only onboard new libraries who are able to submit weekly sales on a continuing and reliable basis.

In addition to these basic requirements, there are also further guidelines in place regarding access to LibraryData and processing of data:

  • LibraryData cannot process historical data. Weekly circulation reports will be processed and aggregated in the system starting from when the library is added to the reporting panel. Historical data cannot be processed retroactively.

Interested in learning more about becoming a contributing library? Get in touch with us at librarydata@booknetcanada.ca and we'll get started!

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