FAQs for Contributing Libraries

FAQs for Contributing Libraries

Q. Do you collect my borrowers' data?

A. No. The only borrower data we collect is the total number of users at a branch. LibraryData collects and displays information about the books in a library's collection - not the library customers themselves!

Q. Do you collect digital collection data (ebooks, digital audio, etc.)?

A. We're working on it! Currently LibraryData only includes physical items (print books, physical audiobooks.)

Q. What do I get out of contributing my library's data?

A: Libraries participating in LibraryData receive access to:

  • LibraryData — including reports on books with the highest loans, holds, or on-order quantities, over-time performance of specific titles, collection gaps, and more
  • SalesData — the national sales tracking tool for print books in the Canadian trade market
  • Subscriber-only research — our range of studies cover the sales impact of literary awards, consumer and patron behaviour, monthly sales reports, and more
  • Bibliographic data resources — access data and images for more than 3 million records, including ONIX, MARC records, samples, interior and author images, position files, and more
  • CataList — Free access for library staff to view publishers' forthcoming title lists, and to recommend titles for the Loan Stars program.

Q. What Integrated Library Systems (ILS) does LibraryData support?

A. We support a multitude of ILSs! Currently we can accept data using reporting modules in Polaris, Horizon, Symphony, Evergreen, Koha and VSmart. If you have a different ILS at your library, contact us at librarydata@booknetcanada.ca and we'll discuss options!

Q. What kind of information do you need to get from my circulation reports?

A. Libraries report their data in two weekly CSV files - a BranchData file and a LendingData file. 

  • The BranchData file contains: the library system code, the library branch code, the branch name, branch type, postal code, address, and user count for each library branch in the reporting library system or consortium.
  • The LendingData file contains: branch code, catalog ID, ISBN(s), loans, renewals, holds, copies owned, copies checked out, and copies on order for each item in the library's collection. 

Q. Do I have to submit data every week?

A. Yes. In order for LibraryData to function properly, we require that all participating libraries submit their data every week by Monday.

Q. What happens to my data once I submit it?

A. We process all library data at a high level. Your circulation and holdings will be aggregated and shared in LibraryData's All Libraries view, and will also be aggregated at your system and branch levels as well. Our in-house processing captains review the data each week for accuracy and will follow up with you if there are any questions as to the data's accuracy. 

Q. Once I sign up, can I submit all my historical data too?

A. No. Weekly LibraryData reports will be processed and aggregated in the system starting from when a library is added to the reporting panel. Historical data cannot be processed retroactively.

Q. Who has access to my library's data?

A. All contributing libraries have agreed to share their data with other contributing libraries as part of the LibraryData data-sharing agreement. Views of your data can be granted to retailers, library wholesalers or publishers who participate in SalesData with your permission only. To grant access to your circulation data to a retailer, library wholesaler, or publisher, please contact librarydata@booknetcanada.ca and we can arrange that. 

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