The My Reports page provides access to both your own saved reports and reports shared with you by others in your user group.

 On the left side of the home page, you will find My Reports listed below the reports. On the right side of the home page, under a list of your recently saved reports, you can click "View more reports" to go to the My Reports page.


Saved Reports

Reports you have saved in LibraryData (and SalesData!) are listed here, providing quick access to run any report or edit your share/schedule settings. Learn more about saving reports here.


Your saved reports table includes the following column headings:

Reports Shared With Me

This table houses all the reports that have been shared with you by others. Unlike your own saved reports, you cannot edit the criteria for shared reports or share them with others. 

Your shared reports table includes the following column headings:

To learn more about saving, sharing, downloading, and emailing reports, click here.

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