Daily Flat file - New ISBNS
A new file export that we hope users can benefit from. This new file we refer to as the New ISBN export. What is a new isbn in the context of BiblioShare? As you may know, BiblioShare has a couple of stages for processing data and then making that available in numerous services. On one day, data is sent to our inbound processing application called BiblioShare. This is the part of processing where we validate the data we are processing against the ONIX schema and if it passes that validation we load it into a database. Then every night we take any newly processed data for the day and transfer it into a data structure that we use to populate platforms like BNC CataList as well as make available the new data through our BNC Web Services.
What you will find in the file is the following:
This new file we are providing is created each day, so long as there are new isbns to list. The file is created and stored in to the 'dailynew' out directory on the biblioshare ftp server. If you are interested in using this file then all you need to do is log in at
BNC Biblioshare with the following credentials:
UserID: dailynew
psw: tqjvqkt1
Inside of the directory you will see text files following the naming protocol 'dailyeans_ddmmyyyy.txt'. Inside the file you will see the following data:
ean InsertTime basicmainsubject ProductForm
9780806191164 2022-03-22 11:36:03 HIS028000 BC
Now you don't have to wonder about what you're missing or wait till your rep gets in touch. You can be the first (maybe second or third) to know when a new isbn is out in the world. Have fun!
New Webservice that Returns a list of all ISBNs held in BiblioShare regarding an Asset including:
- Sample
- Excerpt
- Guide
- Teacher's guide
- Back cover
- Author photo
- Token = your user token
- Asset = the item for which you're requesting data. (author|back|sample|excerpt|teachersguide|guide|toc)
- asText = use "TRUE" to view as text in browser or "FALSE" to retrieve a file
BiblioShare is now taking back cover images and teacher's guides
The Back Cover Image Web Service gives you full access to the most current back cover available for books in the Canadian market. A thumbnail version of the back cover or the full-sized image (or both) can be pulled, depending on what publishers have made available. This web service is for you if you're looking for back cover images.
Teacher's guides are now included as part of the Sample Web Service. The Sample Web Service allows users to pull EPUBs or PDF files, as provided by the publisher, for a title available in the Canadian market.
A Chrome extension that:
When it finds a valid book ISBN in a web page provides an icon next to the identifier.