

The Canadian Bibliographic Standard

The Canadian Bibliographic Standard is a set of standards developed by BookNet Canada (BNC) and the Canadian book industry for the minimum collection and dissemination of bibliographic data. Containing essential information on bibliographic data elements and clarifications to help you understand what's required when, the complete document can be read below or downloaded at https://booknetcanada.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/1378407/Canadian-Bibliographic-Standard-2007-05.pdf.

BookNet Canada's & Book Industry Study Group's Best Practices for Product Metadata: Guide for North American Data Senders and Receivers

BNC's sister organization in the United States is the Book Industry Study Group (BISG). Both organizations actively try to coordinate their certification and standards programs with each other. This coordination has led to the wide US acceptance of BNC's Bronze Template spreadsheet as a basis for data exchange.

Moreover, BNC & the BISG created the Best Practices for Product Metadata. A comprehensive and useful resource for ONIX beginners or those fresh to ONIX 3.0, it contains:

  • A breakdown of ONIX blocks, highlighting what pieces of metadata are included within each

  • Use cases for each composite

  • Identification of mandatory tags/pieces of information

The complete document can be read below or downloaded at https://booknetcanada.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/1378407/BISG_Best_Practices_for_Product_Metadata_6.1.15.pdf?api=v2.

International Best Practices at EDItEUR

EDItEUR is the organizing body behind the ONIX standard and has an excellent best practices document intended to support international exchange. While it is specific to ONIX 3.0, mosts sections can be easily applied to ONIX 2.1.

You can find code lists and best practice guidelines on the EDItEUR website at https://www.editeur.org/93/Release-3.0-Downloads/.

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Please email biblio@booknetcanada.ca with any comments or questions.

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