Top Tips: Setting up a Top 100 Loans Report in LibraryData

When getting started with LibraryData, you may find it useful to set up a saved report of the Top 100 Titles at your library system ranked by loans each week. You can schedule this report to deliver straight to your email inbox every week, keeping you up to date with what's most popular in your library! Follow the steps below to set up your own report.

Step 1: Navigate to the "Popular Books" report from the LibraryData Homepage

Step 2: Select your Home Library System

The default aggregate for the Popular Books Report is the All Libraries. Click on the Add/Edit aggregate button to open a pop-up window where you can select to view data for your home library system.

Step 3: Run the Report!

Scroll down the page and click on the Run Report button - do not change any of the other criteria fields.

Step 4: Save the Report

Click on the Save/Distribute button above the report results table.

A pop-up window will appear asking you to enter a name for the report and to choose a reporting period. For the reporting period, select most recent 1 week. Name the report something easy to identify (e.g. [Your Library's Name]_Top 100 Books). Click Next to save the information and move on to the next window.


Step 5: Share the Report

To take advantage of the sharing features, toggle Share report to Yes. Choose who to share the report with by checking the box beside each group member's name.

Click Next to save the information and move onto the next window.







Step 6: Schedule the Report

In this window, you can specify the file format (Excel or CSV) and size for the report that will be sent out. You can also select a date to start sending the report and when you want it to end. If you leave the end date blank, the report will be sent every week until you delete the saved report or enter an end date.

Scroll down to find the Send report to section. Here you can indicate who you want to automatically receive the report according to the schedule you just set up.

Click Save to finish the process and you will be able to find this report under My Reports, which is accessible from the left sidebar on every page in LibraryData.