Supplying Samples & Excerpts

Supplying Samples & Excerpts

CataList is now also displaying additional sample content from publisher ONIX files and directly-supplied PDF or EPUB files.

If you would like to supply content for display, you can supply it to BiblioShare for use in CataList using one of two methods: in your ONIX file; or directly to your Samples folder on the BiblioShare FTP. Read below for instructions on supplying your sample content, or check out our recorded webinar on this topic!

Webinar recording

Supplying sample content in your ONIX file

CataList will pull in content from the Other Text composite in ONIX 2.1 for the following three Other Text Type Code values:

Content Type

ONIX details

Content Type

ONIX details

Table of Contents

<OtherText> type code '04'


<OtherText> type code '23'

Reading Group Guide

<OtherText> type code '41'

If you already supply content using one or more of these type codes, it will automatically be picked up and displayed in the new feature. Some HTML is allowed in OtherText elements (see the guidelines for allowed HTML use in ONIX).

You may submit your content in <OtherText> fields using text or a media link. An example of a media link provided in ONIX 2.1. is provided below:

In this example:

  • <TextTypeCode> identifies the type of content (code list 33). Code ‘41’ is Reader Group Guide. 

  • <TextFormat> identifies the content format (code list 34). Code ‘08’ here indicates it’s a PDF file.

  • <TextLinkType> references code list 35. Typically used, ‘01’ indicates a URL.

  • <TextLink> is the link to the content.

Direct to the BiblioShare FTP

If you are unable to supply content through your ONIX feed, you can also post PDF and EPUB files to your Samples folder on the Biblioshare FTP.  Files are named by ISBN and sample type, or alternately named simply by ISBN and loaded to a folder for the specific sample type. 

BiblioShare directly accepts the following content types:

  • Sample

  • Excerpt

  • Table of contents

  • Reading group guide

  • Teacher's guide

For complete file naming and access details, see the details in the BiblioShare Quick Start Guide


  • Be clear about the type of content you are providing and do not duplicate the same content across multiple types, or between interior images and sample content.

  • If you want to include a copyright statement in the display, ensure it is included in your ONIX text or in the files you post. For example, you could watermark pages in the PDF files you load to BiblioShare.

  • When providing PDF sample files, remember that smaller files are faster and easier for viewers to download. Compress your PDF files for best availability.

  • Text content in ONIX will be converted to PDF by the CataList system. If you prefer to have more control over the layout and display of the content, it is recommended that you provide PDF files with the content laid out as you prefer.

Access and display rules

Samples and excerpts are available for all signed-in users in verified industry accounts to view.

Reading group guides and tables of contents are available for all CataList visitors.

Content can be accessed on both the Title Detail and Scroll View pages: