Market Comparison Report

The Market Comparison Report is the fourth choice listed in the reports menu bar that is located on the left-hand side of the screen. The Market Comparison Report shows publisher, imprint, or distributor sales in the different markets that a user has access to. The markets appear in columns, and selected publishers, distributors, subjects, or formats appear in rows. These sales can be viewed divided by subjects, formats, or over time. When viewing over time, markets appear in rows and time periods are shown in columns.

Note for publishers, distributors, and sales agents: 

Every market in this report is subject to watchlist restrictions. This means that you will only be able to see sales data for ISBNs that belong to you and are in your watchlist. This is also true for the All Markets. While All Markets is an "open" market in other reports, i.e. you can view sales of other publishers ISBNs in it, in this report that is not the case. This report will only show you a total of your own sales in the All Markets.

Note for retailers, libraries, and wholesalers: 

Watchlist restrictions do not apply to these account types because they only have access to view their own markets. They can see sales data for all ISBNs but only within their own markets.


Learn more about creating a Market Comparison Report:

Learn more about downloading, emailing, saving, and distributing reports here.