CataList Digital Products Promotion

CataList Digital Products Promotion

Promotional offer details

CataList now has many useful search features to help libraries and ebook retailers search for accessible ebooks, as well as find regional titles and digital books by local authors. To increase the depth of available listings, BookNet is offering publishers who subscribe to CataList the opportunity to add their digital product records to CataList at a reduced rate of $1 per ISBN. To participate, publishers only have to provide their list of ISBNs, the CataList team will then validate that list, create the catalogues, and publish them on the site.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Publishers must be CataList subscribers with no outstanding invoices.

  2. Publishers must provide the list of ISBNs they would like to add to catalist@booknetcanada.ca.

  3. The ISBNs must have data available in BiblioShare; it can be ONIX 2.1 or ONIX 3 data. If the data is not currently available in BiblioShare but the publisher can arrange to begin sending data, titles will be eligible if data is provided by the promotion end date.

  4. The ISBNs must have a digital product form. In ONIX 2.1, this is product form code AJ or codes beginning with D. In ONIX 3, this is product form code AJ or codes beginning with E.

  5. More than one ISBN for the same work can be listed. For example, the PDF format and the EPUB format of a book. Each ISBN will incur the $1 per item charge.

  6. All ISBN lists must be received by BookNet Canada no later than 5 p.m. EST on March 28, 2024.

  7. BookNet will generate an invoice at the reduced rate of $1 per ISBN for eligible products once the catalogue has been published.