Add or edit title data

Add or edit title data

CataList primarily sources bibliographic data for CataList ISBN listings from the BNC BiblioShare database, which is populated from publisher ONIX files. The editing function on the Title Detail page, however, allows you to add any missing data and quick corrections directly into CataList. Check out our data flow infographic to get an overview of the data import and update processes.


Click on any image to view a larger size.

Using editing tools and section locks

When should you use the manual editing tools and when should you lock data? There are three main scenarios where manually editing your data can be really useful.

Scenario 1: Adding basic title data when the ONIX data hasn’t been released yet
Lock or unlock: Leave the section unlocked for automated updates

  • When you need to fill in some key advance data, you can add the information in CataList – but leave the section unlocked. CataList will keep all of your manually added data and images until the ONIX data starts feeding in, at which point those regular feeds will take over the usual updating process.

Scenario 2: Adding data that is not supporting in your ONIX file
Lock or unlock: Leave the section locked so ONIX updates don’t clear out your content

  • There are a number of reasons that you may not be able to supply content you have through your ONIX file, even if the data is supported in the ONIX standard. So if <PromotionCampaign> is not supported in your ONIX files, you can still manually add marketing content right in CataList. In this case, you want to lock the section so that BiblioShare updates to other fields like price or publication date don’t clear out the data you've entered.

Scenario 3: Emergency updates to specific fields
Lock or unlock: Unlock the sections when the ONIX is fixed

  • Perhaps a change is needed in time for a major sales appointment, or for legal reasons. There is a time delay between the decision when a change is made at the publisher and seeing updated data in CataList. In this case, it is advisable to use the locks only when necessary, as those locks will need to be removed after the corrected data has been sent out in the ONIX deltas.

You can see the list of all your titles that have locked sections using the Locked Titles Report in the Settings > Reports tab.

Corrections in CataList are never sent back to BiblioShare – data flows in one direction only (from BiblioShare into CataList).

Access the Edit Title page

To add or edit title content, make sure your ISBN is added to a catalogue. You must be an Account Manager or Catalogue Editor to edit title content in CataList.


To access the Edit Title page

  1. Go to the Title Detail page of the book you want to edit.

  2. Click Edit this record. You are directed to the Edit Title page.

If you don't see the Edit button, make sure you are logged in to CataList. If you still don’t see the button, you might not have permission to make title-level changes or the ISBN you are attempting to edit may not be associated with your account. 

Manually edit a title on the Edit Title page

Manually editing a title’s content is straightforward and the steps are outlined below. For instructions on editing individual sections of the Edit Title page, see Editing each section.

To edit and lock title content

  1. On the Edit Title page, find the section you want to edit and click Edit.

  2. Make your edits and click Save & Lock. The changes are saved and highlighted in yellow.

  3. Click the ISBN to return to the Title Detail page.

If you lock a section, the information will not be updated when CataList updates from BiblioShare. 


To unlock title content

  • On the Edit Title page, find the section you want to unlock and click Unlock. If you want to unlock all sections, click Unlock All.

If you unlock a section, the manual changes made to it will be lost in the next data refresh.


If I edit a title that is in multiple catalogues, will it update in all locations?

Yes. Since CataList stores title information once but allows it to appear in many catalogues, any changes that are made to that title will be visible everywhere the title is found in the system.


Editing each section

The following are elements can be added or edited in CataList. Click on a section name to see instructions on how to edit it on the Edit Title page. See how to access the Edit Title page.

Cover Image

To add or edit a cover image in CataList

1. In the Cover Images section, click Edit.

2. Browse your local files and folders for the image you want to load.

Image file requirements:  Images must be JPG, PNG or GIF format. JPGs must be RGB colour space (no CMYK). Maximum 1400px on the longest side, maximum file size 5MB.

3. Select and open your image file. The file name displays above the Save & Lock button.

4. Click Save & Lock

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

If you are uploading an image because BiblioShare currently has no image, you can Unlock the uploaded image. Your image will be retained in CataList until an image is submitted to BIblioShare, at which time the most up-to-date BiblioShare image will be displayed.

Title and Subtitle

To add or edit a title

1. In the Title section, click the Edit.

2. Add your title and subtitle content (if any). If your title begins with a prefix (a, an, or the), split the title to fill in the Title Prefix and Title boxes separately. (CataList will normally display these fields altogether, but splitting up the title data allows more options when sorting lists and grids.)

3. Click Save & Lock

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.

List Price

To add or edit a price

1. In the List Price section, click Edit.

2. Enter or edit your price amount. If you do not specify the price amount to two decimal places, CataList will add zeroes to two decimal places.

The edit feature allows only saving a single price and currency. The default currency is Canadian dollars (CAD); however, you can select British pounds (GBP) or US dollars (USD) as needed.

3. Click Save & Lock

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.

Publication Date and Publishing Status

To add or edit a publication date and publishing status

1. In the Publication Date section, click Edit.


2. Click the publication date or the calendar icon to launch the calendar picker, then use the left and right arrows to move month-by-month through the calendar options.

3. Click on the Month/Year link in the calendar to open options to jump to another month/year calendar page.

4. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and highlighted in yellow.


To add or edit a publication status

1. In the Publication Date section, click Edit.

2. Select a publishing status from the drop-down list to clarify the status of your title. The list options are drawn from the ONIX codelist for publishing status.

3. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.

Format and Format Detail

To add or edit a format

1. In the Format section, click Edit.

2. Select a format from the drop-down list. This list is populated with the options from the ONIX Product Form code list. Hardcover and Paperback have been sorted to the top of the list for your convenience.

3. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and highlighted in yellow.


To add or edit a format detail

  1. In the Format section, click Edit.

  2. Select from the drop-down list an option that describes the product form.

    1. Click Add Additional Format Detail to list another format detail.

  3. Next to any previously added format detail, click Remove to remove it from the Title Detail page.

  4. Click Save & Lock

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.

Publisher and Imprint

To add or edit a publisher or imprint

1. In the Publisher section, click Edit.


2. Enter the publisher and/or imprint name in the text boxes.

Pay special attention to spelling consistency for these values between titles for ease of matching. If your Imprint name is the same as your publisher name you can input it in both places to support searches on these values – in most instances, CataList will only display the repeated value once, so long as the entries are identical.

If Imprint and Publisher are both set as "Cider Press", CataList will typically only display it once on the title listings. However, if Imprint is "Cider Press" and Publisher is "Cider Press Ltd.", CataList will display both values since they are not exactly identical.

3. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.


To add or edit a BISAC subject or region code

1. In the Subject section, click Edit.

2. Enter the code value for the Main BISAC subject in the text box. 

3. (Optional) Add a secondary BISAC subject code or a BISAC regional theme code.

If you need to look up a BISAC code, click Look up Subject Code to open the current list of BISAC subjects in a new tab.

If you need to look up Regional theme codes, click Look up Region Code to open the current regional theme list in a new tab.

4. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.


 If you want to edit an existing contributor record, you will need to remove the existing entry and enter a new one.

To add an author or other contributor

  1. In the Contributors section, click Edit.

  2. Select a contributor type from the Type drop-down list.

  3. Select the role for the contributor from the Role drop-down list.

    1. If your author is Canadian, select the checkbox to flag the author with the Canadian market throughout the CataList site. To see if your contributor counts as Canadian, see Appendix A: Canadian Contributor FAQ.

  4. Enter the first and last name of your contributor. The sequence of contributors listed on a title is the order in which you enter them.

  5. Click Add Contributor.

  6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 to add another contributor. Contributors display in the order you enter them.

  7. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.

Contributor Bio

To add or edit a contributor biography

1. In the Contributor Bio section, click Edit.


2. Add your contributor biography statement, using the rich text editor to mark bold or italic text and add hyperlinks.

3. To include another contributor biography, add it below the previous contributor’s biography content. Separate the biography content with line breaks (or paragraph tags in the HTML view).

If you are using copy and paste to enter content into this box, be cautious with pasted content from PDF files or web pages. Use Paste Special > Text only to paste in your text, or verify in the HTML view that you haven't accidentally picked up in-line formatting and styling code. Because this is an HTML-enabled field, styling tags can have an adverse effect on the layout of your pages in CataList.

4. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.

Key Selling Points

The preferred method of submitting Key Selling Points is submitting them in your ONIX file as <OtherText> type '25' - Description for sales people.

To add or edit key selling points

1. In the Key Selling Points section, click Edit.

2. Type or paste in your Key Selling Point content.

If you are using copy and paste to enter content into this box, be cautious with pasted content from PDF files or web pages. Use Paste Special > Text only to paste in your text, or verify in the HTML view that you haven't accidentally picked up in-line formatting and styling code. Because this is an HTML-enabled field, styling tags can have an adverse effect on the layout of your pages in CataList.

If you are pasting content in from a website or a PDF, use the right-click > Paste as Text option to avoid accidentally copying over unwanted formatting or HTML tags.

3. Click Save & Lock.

The changes are saved and the section is highlighted in yellow.

Unlock (or use Unlock All when all your changes are completed) if you would like the next BiblioShare update process to refresh your data. Manual entries and edits will be retained in CataList if no bibliographic record exists for the ISBN in BiblioShare.


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