Adding Titles

Adding Titles

Creating a Title using Webform

  • Click the New Title button in the Manage Titles screen to access the Entry Form.
  • First things first: enter your title's ISBN 13.
  • Webform will automatically check to see if metadata for that ISBN already exists in our BiblioShare database, and will fill in the form with that data. It's like magic!
  • A cover image will also be pulled into Webform if it already exists in BiblioShare.
  • Whether you're pulling data from BiblioShare or manually entering it, make sure to fill in all fields that are marked with an asterisk (*). These fields are required for schema validation.
  • Click Save to save your edits and return to the Manage Titles screen, or click Save & New to save your edits and go to a new Entry Form.
  • The new title will be added to your catalogue on the Manage Titles screen.

Importing a Title from an ONIX file

  • Select Import an ONIX file from the Actions drop-down menu in the Manage Titles screen.
  • In the resulting pop-up window, click Upload an ONIX file to search for an ONIX file on your computer.
  • Double-click the ONIX file to start the import.
  • When the "File imported successfully" message appears, close the pop-up window.
  • The titles in your ONIX file have now been added to your catalogue. You can view these titles on the Manage Titles screen.
  • If titles in your ONIX file are already in your catalogue, Webform will update those titles with the information from the imported ONIX file.
  • Tip: You can add multiple titles by importing an ONIX file with multiple titles in it.

Importing a Title from BiblioShare

  • See Creating a Title using Webform.
  • As long as you have access to BiblioShare, the Webform will automatically import an ISBN's data from BiblioShare when you try adding a new record.
  • There is unfortunately no way to import more than one title at a time from BiblioShare. This restriction has been put in place out of kindness to our hard-working server.

Adding Cover, Author, and Interior Images

From the Entry Form for a title, click Add image to choose the type of image you want to upload. You can click the square to open the files window or drag and drop the file into the square; alternatively, you can choose to add a URL in the available space. The system will fetch the image into Webform.

Front Cover

    • Only one cover image can be uploaded.
    • If a second cover image is uploaded, it will replace the first one.

Contributor (a.k.a. Author Photo)

    • Select the contributor with whom you want to associate this image.
    • Add the file to the window and it will be associated with your selected contributor.
    • If no contributor has been added to the record yet, then you will not be able to add an image.


    • Multiple interior images can be added one after the other; there is no limit to the number of images.

To upload bulk images to your account, please contact webform@booknetcanada.ca for more information.