

This page includes resources that can help you create, manage, and submit your orders on CataList. If you have any further questions about placing orders, let us know at catalist@booknetcanada.ca.

New to ordering books for your business? Take a look at our information for retailers new to bookselling.

About ordering on CataList

CataList allows you to add and edit order quantities as you browse through catalogues or search for titles. You can manage multiple orders, tag a purchase order or promotion code onto an order, and export orders to Excel, CSV, MARC, or PDF files. Your sales rep may also create orders on your behalf.

CataList doesn’t currently have built-in EDI, but you can submit finalized orders to your rep within the CataList system for their viewing, or export your orders directly into your WordStock database. Learn more about CataList’s ordering features in the following sections.


Getting started

Get started by creating an order and adding items to it. The titles in your order must all be supplied by the same distributor—if you're placing orders with multiple distributors, create an order for each one.

Get started: