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CataList now allows publishers to enable a reading copy request feature which will allow publishers to optionally enable retailers, librarians, media or other account types to request advance reading copies of their forthcoming titles.

CataList’s role is to enable the conversation between readers and reps through use of a request form triggered through title or catalogue views, based on permissions set by the publisher.


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We've updated the publisher report section in CataList for Catalogue Editors and Account Managers!

To access the reports page, log into CataList and go to your Company Settings page, then click on the Reports tab.There are five report options - select a report name and click the Run button to access report data.

All report results are exportable to a text file.




The Missing Cover Images report is a new addition to the reports list. Running this report returns a list of books associated with your account which have no cover images stores in either BiblioShare or CataList.

Click on any linked ISBN to add a cover image in CataList only, or better yet, send the image to BiblioShare where other downstream data recipients can access it. Find more information on supplying images to BiblioShare here.






Click the Request from Publisher option to open the form where requesters can supply their contact information and other details such as their preferred reading format. The system remembers the address and job title information that readers enter to minimize effort on future requests, and an optional text box allows requesters to supply additional supporting information to persuade a publisher to send out an advance reading copy.

The form clarifies that provision of reading copies is based on availability and is at the discretion of the publisher.




Submitting the request generates an email to the publisher-provided contact, with a CC to the requester.

If reading copies are available, the publisher can then supply to the requester using their existing galley fulfillment tools or communicate availability details to the requester directly. 




If the requester attempts to re-request the same title, CataList will advise the reader that the title was previously requested, and will provide the date and contact information from the original request.


Released: June 16, 2016

Check this space often to find out more about the changes and new features added to BNC CataList.