Whether you are exporting/transmitting your ONIX file to BiblioShare or any other trading partner, you should make sure that your title/record is valid against ONIX standards.
Your trading partners will only accept valid ONIX files, and Webform checks your titles/records to ensure your files are ready for your partner's systems before you send them out.
You can see if your title/record/product is valid or not at the top of the Main Title page, along with an error summary - if any errors are present.
If you click View error summary, you will be able to see the metadata fields where values are either missing or filled with an improper code or entry.
Once you enter the missing/correct values in the metadata field you will notice that the validation notification changes from This product is invalid! to This product is valid! - if it does not change then there may be other errors present.
You can always hit Refresh Errors button on the top right of the Title Manage page and check if there are any existing errors in your title/record.
Hot tip: It’s always a good idea to Refresh Errors after you have updated your record with new data. |