The Canadian Bibliographic Standard is a set of standards developed by BookNet Canada and the Canadian book industry for the minimum collection and dissemination of bibliographic data.

The Canadian Bibliographic Standard contains essential information on bibliographic data elements and clarifications to help you understand what's required when.


The Canadian Bibliographic Standard has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. These levels correspond to the three Certification levels that can be attained.

Bronze contains the minimum mandatory data required to trade in the supply chain to ensure that titles are listed accurately by key bibliographic databases like Indigo, BookManager and Bowker Books-in-Print.

Bronze level files are sent using the BNC Bronze Template.

Silver contains the same data elements found at the Bronze level, but is transmitted through ONIX 2.1. Data elements included in the Silver level of the standard represent a minimum amount of bibliographic data publishers and distributors need to store and transfer when trading in ONIX.

Silver level files can be created by using the BNC ONIX Converter to convert the Bronze Template to an ONIX file.

Gold contains all Silver requirements plus additional marketing information such as cover image, set and edition details, number of pages and reviews or descriptive text.

Gold level files can be created by using the BNC ONIX Converter to convert the Bronze Template to an ONIX file.

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