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Reports you have saved in LibraryData (and SalesData!) are listed here, providing quick access to run any report or edit your share/schedule settings. Learn more about saving reports here.

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Your saved reports table includes the following column headings:

  • Name: The title of your saved report. Click on the name to edit it. Hit "Enter" to save your edits.
  • Product Icon: Displays either the LibraryData or SalesData product icon, depending on the report type.
  • Type: The type of report saved (e.g., Popular Books, Trend Analysis, etc.)
  • Date Modified: Shows the last time you modified the criteria or settings of the report. 
  • Run: Clicking this link will run the report and bring you to the results page where you'll be able to download the report or send an ad-hoc email with the report as an attachment.
  • Customize Columns: Clicking this link will run the report and bring you to the Customize Columns pop-up where you can add/remove columns for that report.
  • User Group: This column appears if you are assigned to multiple user groups. It displays the user group that was selected as criteria for this particular report.
  • Report Criteria: Allows you to view and edit the parameters used to run the report.
  • Share Report: Allows you to share the selected report with others. If the report is already shared, you'll see "View/Edit". If it is not shared, you'll see "Share"
  • Schedule Email: Allows you to set up a schedule for emailing your report to yourself and others. If the report is already scheduled, you'll see "View/Edit". If it is not scheduled, you'll see "Schedule". 
  • Delivery Frequency: If your report is associated with an email schedule, you'll see whether it is scheduled to be delivered on a Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly basis. 
  • Last Sent: Displays the date the report was last emailed.
  • Next Expected Delivery Week: Displays  Displays the start date of the week when the report will next be delivered via email. 
  • Copy Report: Clicking the icon will make a duplicate copy of the report with its criteria and distribution settings.
  • Delete: Clicking the icon will delete that report.
