Popular Books Report | Book Activity Report | Collection Gaps Report | Bestseller Circ Report | Trend Analysis Report | Saved Reports
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Popular Books Report
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What it is: A Popular Books Report lets you see the top titles ranked by highest loans, holds, holds per copy, renewals, or on-order quantities in a selected reporting period. You have the option to narrow by search criteria like subject category or pub date, or you can view circulation info for a specific list of titles by searching by ISBN.
What it isn't: A list of bestselling titles in the retail market. For that, use the Bestseller Report in SalesData. Or — for a comparison of circulation and retail sales — you can use the Bestseller Circ Report.
Who should use it:
- librarians who are trying to build out a subject area in their library
- publishers, distributors, sales agents, and wholesalers who want to see how titles are circulating in libraries
- librarians looking to replenish their most-held titles
- anyone who wants to see which titles libraries are ordering and adding to their collections
- anyone looking to review the most-circulated titles in the library landscape
Anchorbookactivityreport bookactivityreport
Book Activity Report
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What it is: The Book Activity report allows you to view the circulation and inventory data for a single ISBN cluster. There are two sub-types of Book Activity report. Week by Week, to track the performance of an item over time; or you can view the Multi-Library data, to compare the performance of the item across multiple Library Aggregates.
What it isn't: A report on a single ISBN. In LibraryData, a single title is defined as a single ISBN cluster, within the selected aggregate. Clusters are based on Catalog IDs with shared ISBNs. It's also important to remember that LibraryData is not a complete history of all sales of all books across Canada for all time. LibraryData launched in June 2019 with a select library panel that will grow and change over time, much like the book marketplace as a whole.
What it is: You can create any of the above reports in the site just once, save the criteria, and arrange for the report to be sent to you (and others in your account, if you'd like) weekly. You can find and manage all your saved reports, as well as those that have been shared with you, in My Reports. If you have access to both SalesData and LibraryData, all of your reports will appear in the same My Reports page.
- distribute saved report via email or simply share them for in-site access with other members of your organization