Product Form Feature does have uses for digital. But if Product-Form-Detail provides a primary description of the Product, Product-Form-Feature is used to describe another layer While sometimes it can be supplied as a free text value, most of the codes used in Product Form Features' List 79 actually refer to another ONIX Code list. So when the List 79 code is “01” the Product Form Feature Value is a code taken from List 98. This allows Product Form Feature to carry a wide variety of information needed to describe the Product – and makes it available without having to add endless new composites.
Product Form Feature is has with similar support in both ONIX 2.1 and 3.0 but if no Product Form Detail from ONIX 2.1’s List 78 code map here it had and to it, PF-Features has expanded uses in ONIX 3.0. Of particular interest to digital products are: