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Find bibliographic data/metadata for books available in Canada:


    • The message will either read "No Image Available," or "Invalid Login" (if your token is bad).

BISH Assets: 

Returns a list of all assets held in BiblioShare regarding an isbn including: 


  • Not pound the servers. We would prefer that you cache the data if you expect a lot of traffic. If you are using an automated routine to get the data, please hit us no more than once every few seconds.
  • Not use the API to harvest or index BNC BiblioShare data without our explicit written consent.
  • Not sublicense or redistribute BNC BiblioShare data to any third parties.
  • Not modify or change BNC BiblioShare data, including reviews, in any way without BNC consent. Content may be truncated for display purposes.
  • Not use the BNC BiblioShare data as part of a commercial product without our explicit written consent. If you would like to include BiblioShare data in a commercial product, please contact us.
  • Acknowledge that your user token can be suspended for any infraction of these terms.
  • Acknowledge that these terms may be updated or amended at any time without prior notice, and that your continued use of the API constitutes your acceptance of the new terms.
  • Attribution is not required, but we would like to be mentioned somewhere if possible: "Data provided by BNC BiblioShare."
