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See Organization In ONIX, a special type of large composite that groups together all the data about a specific aspect of a product – Block 1 is all the main bibliographic data, Block 2 is marketing collateral, Block 3 is chapter-level metadata, and so on. There are currently seven blocks in a Product record, though (in specific circumstances) each is optional
See also Organization of data delivery.
A part of a product – a single volume of a multi-volume set (when sold as a single product), a single CD in a multi-disc audiobook, a book in a book plus toy bundle. cf item, though note that a component of a multi-component trade pack can become a product or item in its own right when sold at retail.
Informal term used in ONIX documentation to refer to an XML markup structure that consists of an XML element or tag that contains only other data elements (and contains no data of its own). A composite acts as a wrapper around a set of closely-related data elements, largely to enable them to be repeated in a neatly structured way. eg the repeatable <ProductIdentifier> composite contains three data elements, <ProductIDType>, <IDTypeName>, and <IDValue>In ONIX, a sequence of XML data elements can be nested inside another pair of start and end tags, forming a ‘composite' that emphasizes the logical structure of the data. For example, all the data about one contributor is nested between <Contributor> and </Contributor> – inside a <Contributor> composite. In effect, the 'data' inside the composite data element consists of other data elements. Many such composites are repeatable, for example if there are multiple contributors
An example can help: The repeatable <ProductIdentifier> composite contains two mandatory data elements: <ProductIDType> a defining code (ONIX Code List 5) and <IDValue> is the value defined by the code: Code “15” defines ISBN-13 and the IDValue tag contains the ISBN. The composite repeats but the code is applied uniquely. You only need give the book's ISBN-13 once – because it only has one ISBN – but if you include the GTIN-13 (and you should) then it takes two Product Identifier composites.
ONIX is structured data so, in addition to repeating composites can appear in multiple positions within an ONIX record. Using the ONIX record’s XML tree to illustrate:
Product / Product Identifier
contains the Product Record’s ISBN, but Product Identifiers can also appears in
Product / Related Materials / Related Product / Product Identifier
where the same composite, carries the same codes but they are now contained within a repeating Related Product composite that is defined by its <ProductRelationCode>. The Product Identifier composite is using the same codes to identify the ISBN-13 but the value represents a different book whose relationship to the Product Record is defined by the Product Relation Code.
Data compression is the mathematical process of reducing the size of a file, for example by eliminating repetition and redundancy. Different compression methods are either lossyor lossless. Lossless compressed files can be expanded back to reconstitute the exactoriginal data, but lossy compression – often used with image, video or audio files – discards less important sounds or image detail to make the compressed file even smaller, so the re-expanded file is only approximately the same as the original. In practice, the difference may be invisible or inaudible, but lossy compression is obviously unsuitable for use with text or numerical data. AAC and MP3 are lossy audio codecs, JPEG is a lossy image codec and AVC is a lossy video codec. TIFF is (almost always) a lossless image file format, WAV is lossless audio, and Zip losslessly compresses any file (but worth knowing that zipping a file that is already compressed – like zipping a JPEG, for example – does not usually make it any smaller…). See also codec.
Online Information eXchange, a standardized framework for communication of rich bibliographic and product metadata between computer systems within the book and e‑book supply chains. Originated under the aegis of the Association of American Publishers in 1999 and first published in January 2000, the standard is now managed, developed and supported by EDItEUR.January 2000, the standard is now managed, developed and supported by EDItEUR. ONIX comprises a specific set of XML tags that are designed to contain particular types of data about a book (ie book metadata). That set of tags, the meaning of the data they contain, whether each is mandatory or optional, the order they have to be listed in, and so on, are all defined in the ONIX Specification
e‑mail mailing list and support forum for general questions about ONIX. Subscribe by sending a blank e-mail to onix+subscribe@groups.io
ONIX feed
a pre-arranged sequence of ONIX messages exchanged between sender and recipient, maybe daily, weekly or ‘as needed'. Once a data feed has been established with an initial message containing the full set of Product records, subsequent messages in the feed normally contain only Product records for new products and updates (more accurately, replacement data) for existing products.
ONIX message
A complete ONIX data file, generally one in a series of messages passed between a data provider and a data recipient. A single message may contain one or many Product records.
A particular manifestation of a work that is available for sale to the public (or to an organization, on a business-to-business basis). Although ONIX is often characterized as describing products, it can be used to describe parts of a product that are not individually available, or components that are used during creation of products. However, such parts and components should not be identified using an ISBN, unless they are also products in their own right.
Product record
The complete collection of metadata relating to All the ONIX data for a single commercial product, provided within an ONIX message. A Product record is contained between <Product> and </Product> XML tags.
, grouped in several Blocks between one <Product> tag and the following </Product> end tag – in effect, one giant <Product> composite. In book publishing, each commercial product is identified by its ISBN (though ONIX allows for other identifiers too), and the metadata about that product is identified by the <RecordReference> data element within the Product record. There can be many Product records in an ONIX message
Proprietary code and value
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A text value or code created by an organization and exclusively used to promote or communicate their products. i.e. discount codes, identifiers, etccomposite carrying an ONIX code list entry defined as “proprietary” so that it can carry a value defined by outside of ONIX. An IDType or description value MUST be supplied so the receiver can use it to define the value is intended to mean. It therefore should be a simple to use as a code and maintained consistently. A typcial example is a discount code or a proprietary value such as an Amazon ASIN supplied as an identifier.
In metadata, the origin of an assertion or metadata property – for example, who says that the book is about motorcycle maintenance? The provenance is important when metadata sources conflict.
Can refer to either the markup elements of HTML, XML or ONIX (eg ‘the <ProductForm> tag’, or ‘using <ruby> tags in XHTML’), or to keywords associated with some content that are used to classify the content (eg ‘blog posts tagged with “ONIX”’, or ‘a tag cloud’). It is common to confuse these two very distinct meanings, particularly as classification tags can sometimes be embedded within markup tags….
EDItEUR defines Tag as: XML markup element that begins with < and ends with >. There are three types, start tags, end tags and empty tags. End tags begin </ and empty tags end with />. Start tags do not contain /. A single chunk of XML data sits between a start tag and an end tag – for example <CorporateName>EDItEUR</CorporateName>. The pair of tags and the enclosed data might also be called a data element or a data field
A classification scheme, where controlled vocabulary terms or concepts are arranged in a hierarchy of classes and sub-classes. Strictly, a particular entity can only be attached to a single class or term within the taxonomy, though this is not always rigorously applied (for example with many ‘subject classification’ schemes – these are really subject categoryschemes, where entities can be assigned to multiple categories). Where the vocabulary terms are related not just hierarchically (ie broader and narrower terms) by also by non-hierarchical links of association (‘related to’) and equivalence (‘same as’), and terms are accompanied by a richer range of usage notes, the scheme is often called a thesaurus. A formal representation of the concepts and the relationships is an ontology. Taxonomic hierarchies can be simple or ‘polyhierarchical’, where a sub-class has multiple parent classes – though polyhierarchies can be confusing to use. See also SKOS.