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titleQuick reference

A quick reference note from BookNet Canada

  • Remember that you're embedding your HTML in another company's webpage.  Anything that could affect their CSS or formatting and any use of a URL will likely result in your work being stripped or not loaded.  Header tags (h1, h2 etc) should NOT be used as they would interfere with the retailer's webpage.
  • Simple, clean, noninvasive XHTML is what belongs in appropriate in ONIX elements
  • The full list of appropriate elements is below but text blocks – descriptions, and biographical information – are appropriate.  All other data elements should NOT include any HTML, page returns or formatting of any kind. This includes Title and Contributor elements. Think of it this way: Data in ONIX is used by to fill data base fields and for indexing. Anything that doesn't belong in a database field can create problems, data loss and indexing issues. (ONIX 3.0 solves some of the need for formatting with specific "display" elements that are XHTML enabled, including one to display the Title and another for Contributor Statement.)
  • If you don't know anything about HTML there is more information in Editeur's Best Practices. is a good place to start and this explains the X in XHMTL Someone in your company is likely creating ebooks and would understand the terms being used here.

These general best practices are best to follow as they are part of XHMTL:

  • All copy should be enclosed with HTML tags – normally use a paragraph tag <p>copy</p> but <ul> <ol> and <dl> are other options (these are called "block options" below)
  • Use lower case tags <p> are preferred to <P>
  • Close all tags appropriately <p> is closed by </p>. Some tags are "self closed" and you should use <br /> instead of <br>
  • Nest tags appropriately <p><i>copy</i> copy</p> but NOT <i><p>copy</i> copy</p>

The following tags are recommended (others are problematic or prohibited) and this applies to both HTML (using CDATA or escaping of the < character) and XHTML.

<p> and <br /> – paragraphs and line breaks
<i> and <em>, <b> and <strong> – italic and bold emphasis
<cite> – for book titles
<ul>, <ol> and <li> – bulleted and numbered lists

<sub> and <sup> – sub- and superscript
<dl>, <dt> and <dd> – definition lists
