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My Page is your personalized CataList page. It contains links to catalogues relevant to your individual account, as well as several actions and additional information specific to you, such as alerts on recent drop-ins and notifications on any new notes or title data changes you've signed up to receive.

The major page elements are the same for all accounts, but the content of each element is customized based on your account type – for example, publisher, retailer, or library.

Table of Contents

Alerts & Updates

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Alerts appear in the first tab at the top of My Page. If there are any new drop-ins, notes or metadata changes since you last viewed or cleared the alerts, you will see a red notification icon on the section header.

  • Click the Alerts & Updates tab to view details of new alerts.

  • Click View History for any alert types to see the most recent activity.

  • Click the red X button to the right of the View History button to clear the current alert flags.

  • Click Manage Alerts to customize the alerts you receive on the site and by email.


Managing your alerts

Track the updates that are important to you by signing up for notifications by data type – you can choose to be notified about price changes, publication date changes, or title changes on forthcoming titles. You can also sign up to get a weekly email summary of all the weekly changes and drop-ins.

The Manage Alerts button takes you to your personal settings page, where you can choose which notifications you want to receive and where you can also choose whether you want to opt-in to the directory so that reps can easily tag you on notes or custom catalogues in the system.

Catalogue Creation

Depending on your account type and access level you will have different catalogue tool options.

  • New Catalogue launches the process of creating a new seasonal catalogue for Publisher-type accounts. These catalogues add new titles to the CataList system, and can only be added by users with Account Manager or Catalogue Editor access.

  • New Custom Catalogue launches the process to create a new catalogue using titles already in CataList. These catalogues can be shared to anyone who has the link, or to specific people only.

  • The default view preference buttons allow you to choose which format catalogues display in by default. Once a catalogue has been loaded you can change the view at any time, but the next catalogue you select will automatically open in the default view set here.

Load files 

The Load files section allows you to upload notes into CataList from an Excel file.

For full details on uploading notes, see File uploads in CataList.

PDF templates 

The PDF templates section allows you to create new PDF templates and view, edit or share existing ones.

For full details of the PDF template creation and management tools, see Export to PDF.

Catalogue Table

The Catalogue Table is divided into two tabs (three, if you are in a Publisher-type account). The display and default setting of the tabs is specific to each account type.

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Seasonal Catalogues

In publisher accounts, the company's seasonal catalogues are listed under the tab with the company’s name. This includes catalogues in both Draft, Published or Archived status, with relevant details about each catalogue. This tab is the default tab for all users in Publisher-type accounts. This tab It does not display to Library, Media, Retailer, Sales Agent, or Wholesale-type accounts.

Click on any catalogue name to view the catalogue. Actions in the Action column are further limited by user type within each account. Seasonal catalogues in Draft status may be edited or deleted by users with Catalogue Editor or Account Manager access. Seasonal catalogues in Published status may be edited, but cannot be deleted.

Other features include:

  • Filter – Dynamic filters let you find the catalogues you need quickly.

Sort – Sort catalogues by clicking on any header column, and set the number of rows you want to see at one time using the drop-down menu below the table
  • Tags – Add tags to seasonal catalogues directly on the page and click the tags to filter the table. Learn more about using tags on CataList.

  • Archive Catalogues –

Clean up your catalogue tables and Publisher Page by sending older catalogues to the Archive using the folder button in the Actions column
  • Archive old catalogues to hide them from My Page and your Publisher Page. Archived catalogues can still be viewed by any user, and titles in archived catalogues are still available for search

, but archived catalogues can be hidden from view on My Page and are not displayed in a list that can be accessed from
  • . Click the Archive icon in the Actions column to hide catalogues from My Page and your Publisher Page.

Want to bring a catalogue back from the Archive? Simply click the Restore folder button to return the
  • Click the Restore icon to return an archived catalogue to Published status.

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Custom Catalogues

The Custom Catalogues tab is the default tab for all users in Sales Agent-type accounts. It lists all custom catalogues created by you and all collaborative catalogues created by your colleagues, in both Draft and Published status, with relevant details about each catalogue.

Use the dynamic filters to organize and find the catalogues you need:

  • Tags – Add tags to seasonal catalogues directly on the page and click the tags to filter the table. Learn more about using tags on CataList.

  • Private catalogues – Select this checkbox to display custom catalogues created by you.

  • Collaborative catalogues – Select this checkbox to display collaborative catalogues created by you and your colleagues.

  • All account catalogues – Account Managers can select this checkbox to display all custom catalogues created by users in their CataList account, and can edit any of the custom catalogues.

Assign to your
  • catalogues

up to two categories for an extra level of organization. Categories are like tags and can be anything you like. You can search for the ones you made using the category filter above the table
  • .

Click on any catalogue name to view the catalogue. Custom catalogues in either Draft or Published status may be edited or deleted.


Please note that if you delete a custom catalogue from this table, you are deleting it from the system and any specified recipients will no longer have access to the catalogue.

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Received Catalogues

The Received Catalogues tab is the default tab for all users in Retailer and Library-type accounts. It lists all custom catalogues shared with you by other CataList users.

For each catalogue customized and shared with you, you will see:

  • the catalogue name

  • the date it was shared

  • the person who shared the catalogue with you

  • the sharer's company affiliation

  • the number of titles in the catalogue

Click on any catalogue name to view the catalogue.