Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Alerts & Updates




Track the updates that are important to you by signing up for notifications by data type - you can choose to be notified about price changes, publication date changes, or title changes on forthcoming titles. You can also sign up to get a weekly email summary of all the weeks changes and drop-ins.

Alerts will appear at the top left section of My Page. If there are any new drop-ins, notes or metadata changes since you last viewed or cleared the alerts, you will see a red exclamation mark badge on the section header. Click the + button to view details of new alerts, and then click the View History for any alert types to see the most recent activity. Click the red X button to the right of the View History button to clear the current alert flags.

The Manage Alerts button takes you to your personal settings page, where you can choose which notifications you want to receive and where you can also choose whether you want to opt into the directory so that reps can easily tag you on notes or custom catalogues in the system.

Catalogue Creation




Depending on your account type and access level you will have different catalogue tool options.

  • New Catalogue launches the process of creating a new seasonal catalogue for your publisher account. These catalogues add new titles to the CataList system, and can only be added by users with Account Manager or Catalogue editor access.
  • New Custom Catalogue launches the process to create a new catalogue using titles already in CataList. These catalogues can be shared to anyone who has the link, or to specific people only.
  • The default view preference buttons allow you to choose which format catalogues display in by default. Once a catalogue has been loaded you can change the view at any time, but the next catalogue you select will automatically open in the default view set here.

Load files 




The Load files section allows you to upload notes into CataList from an Excel file.

For full details on the notes upload see the Notes documentation section: File uploads in CataList

PDF templates 




The PDF templates section allows you to create new PDF templates and view, edit or share existing ones.

For full details of the PDF template creation and management tools, see the full documentation at: Export to PDF
