1.(a) Adding Single or Multiple contributors
BNC Webform
Contributor information is a required field and must be provided in your ONIX metadata. Your book can have a single contributor, or multiple and it’s important to communicate as much of the Contributor information, you have available, to booksellers.
To add Contributor(s) to your ONIX record on Webform, go to the Title Detail page of the record/book you want to work with. Click on the Contributors tab to enter the information.
Click on +Add button to start adding contributors. You can add as many contributors as you want. Make sure assign appropriate Contributor Role, this is a required field. You can click on the Contributor Role field to expose the dropdown list with Contributor Roles.
1.(b) Canadian Contributor Indicator
BNC Webform
In the Title Detail page of BNC Webform click the Contributor tab, highlight Canadian authors by selecting CA - Canada as a contributor's country code, in the last column on the left.
This information will be displayed in every instance on CataList where the contributor's name appears. CataList will display a small maple leaf icon wherever the author name appears. Retailers, librarians, book reviewers, and other readers on CataList can filter their advanced searches to return only Canadian contributors, so don't forget to identify Canadian talent!
Tip |
Hot tip Not entirely sure how to define a Canadian contributor? Check out our documentation on identifying Canadian Authorship. |
2. Single & Multiple Contributor Biography
BNC Webform
If you there is one contributor in your publication, or you have biographical note for only one of your contributor contributors you can enter their bio within the Text composite. Go
To add your Bibliographic information go to Text tab on your Title Detail page.
Enter biographical note about your contributor using the Biographical note field. This information appears in the Author Bio tab for your title in CataList. This is a free-text field and you are allowed to use HTML formatting here. Make sure to keep it simple as ONIX only allows a subset of HTML tags.
If you would like to add biographical note to more than one contributor then kindly switch to Advanced Form. You will find the option on the top left of your Title Detail page.
Once you have selected Advanced Form go back to your Contributor tab. This time you will see additional fields, and the an arrow that will allow you to select different contributors. You will now be able to add Biographical Note to every contributor.
Tip |
It’s best to keep your HTML tags simple by using <p> for paragraph markers, <i> for italics, <br> for line break and so on. The more complex your HTML tags are the more likely it is for a downstream recipient to not be able to display your text the way you intend. |