Find bibliographic data/metadata for books available in Canada:
- The message will either read "No Image Available," or "Invalid Login" (if your token is bad).
Anchor bishassets bishassets
BISH Assets:
bishassets | |
bishassets |
Returns a list of all assets held in BiblioShare regarding an isbn including:
- We are logging things so that we can both troubleshoot errors and monitor usage.
- Please be careful using the services. This is 'beta' type stuff. We are using it in our products and will continue to do so, but we would recommend testing things and talking to us before building a big online portal using this service.
- Our focus is on the Canadian English language trade market.
- We "only" have about 4,500,000 ,000 unique unique bibliographic records and over 3over 3,275900,000 cover images at this time. But we are continually getting more, so if it is not there now it could be soon.