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Find bibliographic data/metadata for books available in Canada:


  1. Get a token from us (see below).
  2. Specify an ISBN-13/EAN as part of a URL. The query should look like this:
      • to pull from the ONIX3.0 dataset add ONIX30 in place of ONIX? 30 after ONIX and before the question mark.  
      • 3.0 example:
    • Token = Your user token.
    • EAN = The item you are looking for data for. Without hyphens. 13 digits, likely starting with 978, or perhaps 979.
  3. This will deliver a full ONIX record from BiblioShare.


    • The message will either read "No Image Available," or "Invalid Login" (if your token is bad).

BISH Assets: 

Returns a list of all assets held in BiblioShare regarding an isbn including: 
