ONIX Code Lists Issue 36, January 2017
List 5: Product identifier type code

Value Description Notes

01 Proprietary For example, a publisher’s or wholesaler’s product number. Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers
02 ISBN-10 International Standard Book Number, pre-2007, unhyphenated (10 characters) – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2007 – when ISBN-13 superseded it – and should never be used as the ONLY identifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct GTIN-13 / ISBN-13)
03 GTIN-13 GS1 Global Trade Item Number, formerly known as EAN article number (13 digits)
04 UPC UPC product number (12 digits)
05 ISMN-10 International Standard Music Number (M plus nine digits). Pre-2008 – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2008 – when ISMN-13 superseded it – and should never be used as the ONLY identifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct ISMN-13)
06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set)
13 LCCN Library of Congress Control Number (12 characters, alphanumeric)
14 GTIN-14 GS1 Global Trade Item Number (14 digits)
15 ISBN-13 International Standard Book Number, from 2007, unhyphenated (13 digits starting 978 or 9791–9799)
17 Legal deposit number The number assigned to a publication as part of a national legal deposit process
22 URN Uniform Resource Name: note that in trade applications an ISBN must be sent as a GTIN-13 and, where required, as an ISBN-13 – it should not be sent as a URN
23 OCLC number A unique number assigned to a bibliographic item by OCLC
24 Co-publisher’s ISBN-13 An ISBN-13 assigned by a co-publisher. The ‘main’ ISBN sent with ID type code 03 and/or 15 should always be the ISBN that is used for ordering from the supplier identified in Supply Detail. However, ISBN rules allow a co-published title to carry more than one ISBN. The co-publisher should be identified in an instance of the <Publisher> composite, with the applicable <PublishingRole> code
25 ISMN-13 International Standard Music Number, from 2008 (13-digit number starting 9790)
26 ISBN-A Actionable ISBN, in fact a special DOI incorporating the ISBN-13 within the DOI syntax. Begins ‘10.978.’ or ‘10.979.’ and includes a / character between the registrant element (publisher prefix) and publication element of the ISBN, eg 10.978.000/1234567. Note the ISBN-A should always be accompanied by the ISBN itself, using codes 03 and/or 15
27 JP e-code E-publication identifier controlled by JPOIID’s Committee for Research and Management of Electronic Publishing Codes
28 OLCC number Unique number assigned by the Chinese Online Library Cataloging Center (see http://olcc.nlc.gov.cn)
29 JP Magazine ID Japanese magazine identifier, similar in scope to ISSN but identifying a specific issue of a serial publication. Five digits to identify the periodical, plus a hyphen and two digits to identify the issue
30 UPC12+5 Used only with comic books and other products which use the UPC extension to identify individual issues or products. Do not use where the UPC12 itself identifies the specific product, irrespective of any 5-digit extension – use code 04 instead
31 BNF Control number Numéro de la notice bibliographique BNF
35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library)